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View Full Version : Macro eaters for a small tank

02/07/2003, 03:34 PM
topic pretty much says it all; my 37gal. is being taken over by a bunch of macro, specifically some caulerpa. I've been yanking it out by hand, but it's starting to grow in places I can't reach. Anyone know of a fish or invert that may eat this stuff, or know of an alternative solution? Thanks

02/07/2003, 06:17 PM
You could get a "sea bunny" / "sea hare" (same thing 2 names). Scientific name: Aplysia dactylomela. They are caulerpa eating machines. Note that if they get extremely stressed they will release a slightly toxic dye. Nothing like a "cuke nuke" but if it gets really hurt you will should put some carbon on the tank and / or do a water change. Again, apparently they have to be exremely stressed to do release dye. I'm contemplating geting a pair for my 15 gallon prop tank as it is now a caulerpa prop tank :rolleyes:


02/07/2003, 07:13 PM
I don't think that sea hares will eat caulrerpa, ime. I had abput six come on my live rock. They ate massive amounts of micro alge but would not eat caulerpa. four died of starvation, one from a starving rock crab, and one from geting stuck on a power head screen(they aren't as strong as snails and can be easily blown around by very strong current) HTH

02/07/2003, 08:13 PM
Are you sure they were Aplysia dactylomela? There are many alga eating "sea slugs" but Aplysia dactylomela is (from what I've heard / seen) primarily a macroalgae eater. How big were the ones you had? Perhaps only the large ones eat caulerpa?


02/07/2003, 08:20 PM
I had a type of macro that my yellow tang, blue regal tang, kole tang and algae blenny weren't touching. cal3v suggested a foxface, but the local store didn't have one so I purchased a gold-spotted rabbitfish. I think the gold-spotted rabbitfish is too big for a 37, but a foxface should do the job (a foxface is a type of rabbitfish). I think foxfaces are also pretty common and they have a pretty interesting color pattern. From what I've read and through personal experience, they'll eat pretty much anything that's green :D

02/07/2003, 08:23 PM
I think the ones I had looked simmilar to the ones IPSF sells. Not sure on the sientific name, never was able to get an ID. All I know is that they came from the sea of cortez and mine never got above 3".

02/07/2003, 08:26 PM
Baja, I don't really know then. I suppose its likely there are multiple species that look like Aplysia dactylomela. I've never seen one much bigger than ~3 inches.

hummer, is this a 37 that is like a 29 but taller? That might be a little cozy for a foxface :-/. Although I guess you could get a young one, let it devour all the caulerpa, and then find a new home for it. For that matter a tiny yellow or other Zebrasoma sp. tang would be a pretty useful fish too.

Good luck!

02/07/2003, 10:10 PM
the tank measures 24L*18W*21H; I'm thinking it's a bit small for a foxface