View Full Version : Kole Tang doing Great!

01/09/2003, 01:44 PM
Hi all,

I just wanted to update for those who were so kind to me in my time of distress with this fish. I had posted for advice on 12/19 as this fish had gotten delayed in shipment in cold weather and needed info on what to do. Griss was especially helpful in both advice and calming me down.

Anyway, it is doing very well. I was worried as it came with two white spots and was certainly stressed. By the end of the first week the spots were nearly gone and it started eating frozen fort.brine & Formula 2 and has progressed ever since.

At this point he is buds with my Flameback angel, has lost his back of the tank shyness, and even eats flake like a hoover! No sign of the spots, nibbles algae all day. Loves all the tunnels and caves in my rockwork...except the ones the angel can get through that he can't. All the rest of the fish get along with it except that wretched little Banggai got chesty with him once. The Tang immediately let him know that he would brook no insolence from a jailbird.

I don't know at what point I can consider it "out of the woods", but so far so good. And yes, I freely admit this was luck not skill, but I'm glad for it all the same. Thanks again for the help, guidance, and info.

01/09/2003, 02:46 PM
Jay, I am glad to hear everything worked out well and the tang is doing so well.
