View Full Version : Silvery black bubbles

01/02/2003, 02:45 AM
I have several shiny silvery black bubbles appearing here and there on my rock. I hear they are some kind of parasite. I have burst a couple of them as per advice from LFS.(stopped because that didn't sound like the best thing to do) what are these and how do I control them.

Also have little green tufts of algae sprouting up here and there. they are coarse things about 1/4 inch good or bad.?

Thanks , Dave

01/02/2003, 09:03 AM
Sounds like Bubble Algae (Valonia) to me. And popping them is Not advised as that is pretty much how they proliferate on their own. If possible, remove the infested rock and then pick or scrub off the stuff. If not, emerald crabs sometimes eat them. The other stuff sounds like Byopsis; another problem algae. I've heard Lettuce Nudibranchs eat it but have no first hand knowledge. One last piece of advice: Change your LFS.

01/02/2003, 02:23 PM
If the bubbles were less than 1/4" in diameter, you're probably ok. If they were bigger than that, you better go out and buy an emerald crab (they are one of the few animals that will eat this algae). Once a mature Valonia (>1/4") bursts, it releases spores and will eventually each will grow into another ball. Popping was the last thing you wanted to do. I don't trust crabs so I would let the bubbles grow to a size where they can be pulled off with a tweezers and do so.

The other tuft algae I would keep in check by cutting it off your LR with a small stainless steel (don't ask me where to get a pair, I just use the pair my wife had) scizzors and keep cutting away. If your tank is big enough, some of the more industrious tangs will eat tuft algae.

01/02/2003, 06:12 PM
They may be Bubble Algae (Valonia), but they can also be just O2 bubbles. Do they look anything like this;
