View Full Version : BTA moving due to flatworms

12/17/2002, 10:42 PM
I just picked up a 10 gallon nano that included a beautiful BTA w/ maroon clown pair, they're stunning! Anyway, the BTA is on a huge rock and the little tank has a bunch of flatworms in it. I've got the little tank setup with the original stock in it (minus the zoos that I FW dipped), but would like to move the BTA & clown pair to my reef. How can I coax the BTA off of the rock he's on without harming him? I don't want to put him through a FW dip if I don't have to.

12/18/2002, 12:17 AM
Try pointing a powerhead at it, and change the flow of the water current. It will want to move.

Some try using a ice cube at the base of the BTA.

Others use a finger nail to pry the base, like tickling the BTA. :)

12/18/2002, 08:27 PM
Just a warning on actually touching the anemone with your bare hands.

Some people have adverse reactions from numbness to pain to heart palpitations from the stinging of the anemone's nematocycts or possibly from the anemone's "slime". I get a mild tingling from my BTA. Xenia can cause me pain depending on how much I handle it.