View Full Version : Anyone know of any cheap tanks for sale?

12/11/2002, 11:15 PM
hey guys-
I’m looking for a good deal on a new to me used tank setup. Preferably somewhere towards the higher end ;) of 30 to 100gl . I’d like a standard reef ready 75gl, but anywhere in the size range would be great if the price is right. Money is a big factor here so that’s why I'm looking for a steal if you can feel my pain;) I see all these beautiful tank of the months and I drool, but as things are I am seriously budget-reefing on the 29gl I’m runnin’ now, but I need more room :D

DedHead in T'town has his 120gl Reef for sale, complete with a nice lighting setup, stand, canopy, some LR and nice livetsock, but its outta my $$$ range. Still a good deal for someone wanting a complete setup. I just need a growout tank, and I'd like to move my maroon clown and coral beauty out of the 29gl, I think they'd be happier. So if you see a good deal any where that you don'y need or want, please post, I'm in no big hurry, six months to a year is even o.k as I'm not too sure how soon I'll be able to afford the upgrade anyway:rolleyes: Ohhh...but I will!!!:D

If it comes down to it I think I will get a 40gl predrilled that Jonathon brought to my attention, I got the ph# from Tien by the way Jonathon thanks, and just tie it into the 29gl and build my own cusom stank and conpy that would probably be best anyway


12/12/2002, 12:50 AM
I have a AGA 38 with Ocea stand and canopy in the cool looking cherry finish. It is 10 months old but looks like new. I will sell it for half of what I paid for it. Let me know if you or anyone else is interested.

12/12/2002, 01:37 AM
I may be interested, depending on how much you need for it. I probably couldn't afford it, I was looking more for kinda of a DIY job or fixer-upper to save on $$$. Is your tank drilled? Is a sump or lighitng available. If you don't mind posting the stats and what you want for it I'd like to know, or you can just PM me. :)

How are the 40's you bought, have you used them for anyhting yet? It was you who posted about the predrilled 40gls wasn't it?
I think I'll probably have to go with tying one of those into my existing 29gl. still looking around first though.
Thanks again for the offer and the tip on the 40gl tanks-

12/12/2002, 11:22 AM
Regarding the 40 gal tanks: I got two and set them up in my workshop. They do not look the best in the world but they are certainly usable. One is leaking however. I am using them for coral frags. These tanks would be good for rock curing tanks, frag tanks or even a sump or refugium in a large stand (they are 48" long).

Regarding the 38 gal: It is a AGA "Black Seal" non-drilled tank. It could be drilled on the side or back. One cool thing is that I airbrushed the back. It is a deep blue at the bottom and fades up to an aqua color at the top...looks really nice. I got the stand and canopy for $270 and the tank for $70 (not including tax). I will sell it all for $170 which is half. Again, it looks new.

12/12/2002, 03:24 PM
Thanks for the offer (what are the dimensions BTW), thats a very reasonable price for the stand and all but I'm looking for a predrilled to tie into my current system. did you ever use an external overflow for it?
I may try one of the 40's. do think they would look ok as a display or are they too worn? What did you do for overflows?

Thanks again-

12/12/2002, 04:16 PM
The 40's are too worn and shallow (only 12" deep) for a display IMO. The 38 was used with an overflow. The dimensions are 36" x 20" x 12". It is the same dimensions as a 55 but one foot shorter.

12/15/2002, 05:35 PM
If any of you "yard-salers" (yeah I know..I only threw it in b/c this is in the alabama reef board:D ) come across a good deal on a tank/stand combo or someone you know is selling one keep me posted.;)