View Full Version : leather shrunk???

11/20/2002, 01:50 AM
I have a question about this leather...I have had it some time and it was nice and extended....but all of a sudden it shrunk....you know when a coral does not extend to its fullest...welll thats how this one is...and I dont know what might be wrong...is there any other type of corals that it should not be close to? I was wondering that casue I have noticed this since when I introduced some other corals....right beside to the top is a rock with star polyps and to the left down...is a small colony of zoos. Any ideas???

Also one good news.....:D my clown took my plate coral as its host! It was trying to make a small 3" leather as its host!!! But I guess it saw it was WAY too big for it so it when for the plate...which is about 8" when it extends!


11/20/2002, 06:37 AM
I wouldnt worry to much about it at the moment. It is not unusual for leathers to close up especially toadstolls from time to time to shed. Also they can become pretty grumpy when you have moved anything or put your hands in the tank, or added any kind of buffer. You asked if it shouldnt be close to anything, it is the leathers you usually have to be concerned about releasing toxins. Just give it a few days and make sure that it has a decent amount of water flow on it .If it has been open in the past I would doubt that it is a lighting issue.

11/20/2002, 06:07 PM
I find fresh carbon also helps.
I have 5 diffrent leathers in my tank and find if I don't run carbon 24x7, half of them won't open. I've had leathers closed up for nearly a month and they come back better than ever....don't worry about it.