View Full Version : Electic Costs

11/19/2002, 11:35 PM
I am very new to Reefing and currently cycling my 55 gal with 40lbs live rock. I have a DSB(5 inches), Two Maxjets, CPR Bac Pac, AquaClear 500 and three cups of Live sand (Thanks Steve). I'm two weeks in and things are starting to stablize. Next week I'll be doing a water change before adding my first fish (three or four Chromis). I am very interested in getting started but I must be patient (Thanks Brendon). The question I have is, How much should I expect to pay in monthly electric bills?

11/20/2002, 01:01 AM
There's a handy dandy Tank Electrical Calculator right here on RC: http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/tank_elec_calc.htm

I'd use it but I'm afraid to look...

11/20/2002, 03:26 PM
My tank raised my electric bill 50 - 60 bucks a month. I have 2 400w MH buls for lighting though. Hope that helps

11/20/2002, 03:57 PM
I changed my lighting from a 40 NO bulb system, to 4 VHOs. It increased my monthly bill by about 10 bucks.

karl wagner
11/20/2002, 04:42 PM

Thinking about your electric bill when getting into reefing
is like thinking about your gas bill when you're getting a lamborghini.

Everything else is so expensive, you'll hardly notice.

Cheer up though, There is good news in that everyone here on this board will help you in that they'll prevent you from buying the wrong things. (if you ask first)

11/20/2002, 04:48 PM
I'm one of the lucky ones, electric is 5.5 cents PKH and dropping to 4.8 PHW My bill is about $42.00 per month for a 200 gallon with 4x250 watt MH and 4 110 watt vho

11/20/2002, 10:48 PM
Thank you for the info Reefers. Right now I have 4 FW tanks and 4 SW. The other tanks are:

Fresh Water:
1-90 gal,1-75 gal, 1-65 gal, 1-30 gal each with one 250 Acura Heater and one Aquaclear 500 filter each.

Salt Water:
One of the salts is a 10 gal with a few hermits and two dominos.

The three are 55gals, one of which That I'm slowly turning (cycling) into a reef.

One has a Undulated Trigger (The Truth, because no one can handle him)

One has two 2 inch Niger Triggers.

All have the same Heaters and Filters, except the eventual reef.

My current electric bill is around $75 per month. Eventually some of the FW will become Reefs. I'll be interested in seeing how much my bill will increase as change the FW over.


karl wagner
11/21/2002, 07:56 AM
That's funny. I used to have a shovelnose catfish 12 years ago named 'the Truth'. Because the Truth catches up to everyone.