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View Full Version : My Reef Creations Protein Skimmer?

Sea Serpent
11/19/2002, 03:23 PM
I have fallen out-of-love with my current skimmer and have been looking at the My Reef Creation Skimmer (myreefcreations (http://www.myreefcreations.com/skimmers.html) ) Does anyone have one of these? I also looked at EuroReef - but the footprint is a little bulky for my limited space.
Just figured that I'd ask before buying . . .


11/19/2002, 04:02 PM
i have the mr1
it does a good job, andy gives excellent attention to his customers, it uses a large pump Mag12, where the euroreef is supposedly more energey efficient
i may be selling mine as i get my new tank ready


Sea Serpent
11/19/2002, 04:08 PM
Hey Howard,
You might be selling? In the near future? Like next week or something?
I was thinking of going with the Iwaki 40 external pump to power it - if only for the in-sump space consideration/noise level/heat level . . . What do you think? It's pretty expensive - like 150 bucks just for the pump . ..

Boy, this is getting expensive . ..

11/19/2002, 05:46 PM
uhmm....possibly next month...no assurances, and i may have an iwaki md40 also, ...what is the gph on the pump, it may be to strong

11/19/2002, 06:34 PM
Hi Paula,
I have had an MR2 running since September.
I Love it !!
I'm using the recomended Mak-4
If you look back you will see I posted pics.

Make sure you order with the extra injector fitting so you'll have a little more flexablity when your system grows.

let me know if you have any questions

karl wagner
11/20/2002, 01:46 PM
paula, the etss super reef devil would be a good choice.

I'm also interested which skimmer it was that you were/are running now.


11/20/2002, 03:27 PM

Although I can't speak for the MYREEF Protein skimmers, I am running the MYREEF Nilsen Kalk Reactor and I think it is very well made and Andy was very helpful with any questions I originally had with it.

Like the rest...I will be in the market for a new skimmer someday soon and would be interested in your opinion of the MYREEF skimmer. (If you get it)

Good luck,


11/20/2002, 04:44 PM
Right now I'm sitting here laughing at myself for posting this , (I feel kinda like an add for MyReef) but.... I just went downstairs to check the system and thought of this thread.

I cleaned this on Saturday (top half only, sorry you can't expect to collect salt creep like that in four days) :D

11/20/2002, 04:46 PM
I have a lifereef skimmer.....Jeff makes great skimmers. He even made a drain for it. Check it out in my equipment section or

karl wagner
11/20/2002, 04:56 PM
Paula, I don't know if the skimmer in Marco's pic will fit under a tank? Might be a concern to you-It looks huge.

11/20/2002, 05:16 PM
I have a MyReef Skimmer and have been completely satisfied.


Sea Serpent
11/21/2002, 10:19 AM
Hi there - Thanks for all the thoughtful replies . . . Sorry for the late response - family emergency kept me away from the computer yesterday.

My current skimmer is an AquaC EV90 (the older model) - I thought it was working well, but then after doing a major tank overhaul, my tank is having a major cyano bloom. So, I know there is way tooo much organic matter in the water. I took the pump (mag 5) apart to make sure it was clean and working properly - then I took the skimmer apart and the injectors were clogged - AGAIN. Of course when you do major work in the tank there is a lot of stuff floating in the water - In most skimmers, it doesn't really matter, but with the aquaC, it causes problems . . . It doesn't take much to clog it: a piece of sand here, a tiny snail there . . I just don't think that it will be able to catch up . .. and the cyano is driving me crazy.
The newer models of the AquaC don't need to be elevated, but I don't think I want another aquaC.

I think I will try the MYREEF because the size and rating seems to work for my limited space . . . in the cabinet I already have a 13 gallon sump (with all the fixin's) and a PM calcium reactor and 5lb CO2 bottle. The bowfront cabs are kinda small . . . and I can tell Andy the specific fittings I need . . .

Thanks for your replies and hints - taijutsu, Great setup - but a little big for my space! My husband would kill me! Marc - that is EXACTLY what I am looking for - what wonderful gunk!

I think I will put my order in today.
See ya on Sunday!

11/22/2002, 08:37 AM
If it has worked well , I wouldn't spend new money. Cyano outbreak is usually associated with not enough water flow on a certain area. You might want to try rearranging your powerheads. As for clogging, maybe putting a sponge pre-filter before the intake. I have had a Remora Pro with rio 2100 for 2 years, no clogging. Good luck, HTH.


11/22/2002, 07:57 PM
just hooked up a MR-2 and is very well built. everything went well, hopefully it does its deed.

11/23/2002, 07:51 AM
I agree with NHReefer. Cyano, IME, is generally part of a tanks cycle to some degree. If you remember Bornemans lecture in CT, there was pictures of cyano in the wild.

Re-adjusting your flow along with a water change ought to solve the problem.

FWIW, there will be a nice skimmer or 2 at the auction.

Good Luck,


11/25/2002, 12:54 PM
my MR-1 was the best investment i made for my reef!


Sea Serpent
11/25/2002, 04:32 PM
Gumhead - I ordered my MR1 from Andy on Friday - should have it in a few weeks. I'm psyched.

Can I ask a dumb quesiton - what is that on your MR1? Is it pre or post skimmer . . . I am concerned about space and I see that you have something "extra" on yours. and I like your collection container!

FWIW, I have had 6(count 'em 6) powerheads AND the return from the sump (mag 9 stepped down to a 7) going in my tank for about 6 weeks to increase the flow. The poor fish are "swimming upstream" no matter where they go! even the acros are swaying in the current. So, that doesn't seem to be helping clear up the cyano. I have always battled nitrates -even with a 6" + sandbed nitrates were at 80 most of the time. I think the AquaC is just not enough for 72 with a full bio load.

Thanks for the replys.

01/12/2003, 01:36 AM
Sea Serpent,

so how did you like your skimmer from MyReefCreations? I'm thinking of buying one. Would you recommend it?

01/16/2003, 08:26 PM
I go the MR2 about 3 months back. andy was a big help and the workmanship is superb. I'd buy it again.

01/17/2003, 02:30 PM
I've had a MR2 on my 200 gallon reef tank (plus 90 gallon sump and 110 gallon refugium) since last May and have been very satisfied. I would highly recommend a My Reef skimmer.


01/23/2003, 10:37 PM

Your system sounds almost identical to the system I'm setting up. I'm thinking of getting the sump and refugium from My Reef as well. Where did you get yours? Can you offer any insight on the sump design?

01/24/2003, 03:51 PM
Hi Dag,

Andy built the sump (not sure if he still does) and he pretty much came up with the design. One side of the sump holds the skimmer and the water returns to the tank and refugium by going through several over and under baffles. The 110 gallon was my original tank until everything was transferred to the 200 gallon. We decided to use the 110 for the refugium (which has several jawfish), lots of critters and macroalgae. I have a separate "work room" that holds the sump and refugium and lots of other tank stuff. The main tank is connected through a closet. It's really great not doing maintenance under the main tank and I would highly advise it to anyone who has the space available.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Good luck,
