View Full Version : Montipora air pocket?

01/06/2008, 12:56 AM
Since my switch from halides to T5's my Montipora has grown down instead of reaching up towards the halides. So now I have a monti cave and under the cave is a large air pocket 4" by 2" should I drill a small hole in the monti to empty the pocket? It hasn't caused any damage to the monti yet, but I keep wondering about it.(':hmm4:')

01/06/2008, 02:08 AM
I would just take a turkey baster and blow the air out

01/06/2008, 02:25 AM
I actually tried that sucking with the baster also but the monti is the size of a football and the cave is'nt small,the angle is hard to reach my tank is built into my wall and I can barely reach alot of areas.I chipped it last time I tried.I'm wondering more if it will damage the coral over time?

01/06/2008, 03:19 AM
Instead of trying to suck it out, blow more water at the spot to force the air out.

I've seen it happen in my tank on occasion as well, but the coral never seemed bothered.