View Full Version : sick Coral Beauty

12/31/2007, 03:08 PM
we have a coral beauty that has been suffering for sometime. Our Hippo tang likes to chase it and that might be the cause of most of the problems. We have a 55 gal. tank all water levels are doing good. She has not eaten in a week or more. it looks as though her fins are rotting away. also she has a whitish cottony thing on her side and along the top of the dorsal fin. last night we put her in a quartine tank with melafix and pimafix. what does she have and can she be saved?

12/31/2007, 03:25 PM
Stress and injury caused by the hippo tang. I'm glad to hear that you are using meds in a QT.
This is what I would suggest...either get a bigger tank or see about getting store credit for the tang. They need bigger tanks.

Overall, for the health of the beauty, a couple of things. The fungal infection that you are seeing is probably stemmed from a bacterial infection after the whoopin from the tang. Check your parameters and make adjustments as necessary. Fungal spores are everywhere. Keep up with your water changes. You have already started treatment with the melafix and pimafix. See where that goes and then do the recommended water change. You'll also want to use vitamin and garlic supplements to help with the process.
Some hobbyist use copper, some methylene blue...but you'll have to eliminate the environmental cause and rethink your stocking strategy because I don't think these 2 fish will do well together in the same space.