View Full Version : Highly Confidential

12/26/2007, 05:09 PM
I got a funny email today.
Highly confidential, you are the only one I can trust with this infomation. Our nation depends on our keeping this on the QT.
This was sent to me by a friend in the surveillance field. I am sharing it with friends and family on a need to know basis.
I cannot vouch for its validity.
But if true, it could very well rock the foundation of this country.
The photo is a video capture from a security camera located in the North Corridor that leads to the Senate floor in the US Capitol Building.
This is classified material, so do not ask how or where I got it.
If you do, you could come up missing.
Please DO NOT FORWARD this to just anyone. Don't even think about it!!
The repercussions could shake things up more than you can imagine.
A highly respected politician's head is on the line here!
I feel someone should know the truth, so I picked you!

12/26/2007, 05:14 PM