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View Full Version : Starving green algae from transplanted live rock

12/12/2007, 10:59 AM
Hi all - I just setup a 90 gallon with about 140 lbs of live rock. I stumbled upon a great deal from a local reefer who had to move and had to dump his LR. I got about 150 lbs of Fiji for $100. Most of the rock looked to be in decent shape, some even with polyps, mushrooms, and sponges, so I jumped on it.

Problem is - he must have had a nitrate issue (among other things) as a few of the rocks have quite a good coating of green hair algae on them. I brushed a lot of the algae off as I was putting them into my tank, but there's still quite a bit left. I also dumped 6 hermit crabs in there to help out. I'm also skimming 24 hrs/day.

My question - since these guys love high nitrates and phosphates, will they eventually starve and die off as long as I keep my nitrates/phosphates down? I used RO/DI saltwater from my LFS for the initial fill, and will continue to use it for water changes. I'm also using my lights (130watts total actinics, 130 watts total 10K) minimally.


Blown 346
12/12/2007, 11:09 AM
Since the tank is new, you will eventually get the algae back which is normal. Just keep your lighting time shorter than normal each day, do water changes, and you will pull through it.

12/12/2007, 11:49 AM

Depending on how much has hair algae you might consider not putting it in the tank. Instead recure it in a separate container and scrub off the hair algae with a wire brush.