View Full Version : Dipping new rock to remove crabs/mantis etc.?

12/10/2007, 11:31 PM
Does this work? I've only seen this done with carbonated water on rare occasions...

"A simple but very effective treatment for eliminating unwanted critters in your Live Rock is to dip
each piece in a bucket of very saline water (SG 1.030) for a few moments. Mantis shrimp will quickly
evacuate the rock."

I read this on the Walt Smith website - and if it's true, it's a great/natural/easy way to remove critters.


12/10/2007, 11:37 PM
Yes, i heard 1.040 is a fast way to even get worms, manits, and unwanted pests out.

12/11/2007, 06:29 AM
I never use that way but i do lugol iodine bath or i use TMPCC to dip my coral.