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View Full Version : snail eggs

12/09/2007, 05:20 PM
One of our snails has laid eggs outside (on top) of the tank (got out thru a gap in lid). As all our fish continue to keep dying (have just started tank for my 4 and 3 yr old) we are quite excited about the possibility of something not only living but breeding!!!!!! Do these eggs have to be in water to reach maturity? If so, how do I move them without damage and if they are moved into tank will the two remaining comets (of the initial 12 purchased in last 10 days) eat the eggs???? Help PLEASE

12/09/2007, 05:50 PM
My guess is they'll become fishfood if they are in the water. But there are experts on the subject that will be better able to answer.

However, do I understand correctly that you have had 10 marine bettas die in 2 days? How large is this tank and how long since it cycled?

12/09/2007, 07:37 PM
Yes I am afraid to say that indeed we have lost 10 fish (goldfish, comets and some other little fishys) - it appears that being a novice I thought I only had to neutralise the water and then I would be right to put fish in but unfortunately I WAS VERY WRONG. Have now used a stabilizer for last few days and changed porcelain noodles etc and the final two fish seem to be surviving. Believe me when I say I am a novice i really mean i am am a NOVICE. Your question, how long since it cycled - what does that mean????

12/09/2007, 07:58 PM
The fish you mentioned are freshwater fish. The comets and goldfish are coldwater species. Are you mixing marine and fresh species? Cycling for both are similiar and basically involve preparing your tank to handle the nitratification cycle (caused by ammonia sources such as fish waste) by growing beneficial bacteria.

Before we give you an answer on how to cycle your tank perhaps you should let us know what life you have in the tank.

12/09/2007, 10:29 PM
currently only two comets and two snails (with lots of eggs). As mentioned have used a new tank stabilization system now employing bacteria that are non-sulfur fixing and will not produce toxic hydrogen sulfide. (contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic and facultative bacteria). sorry if I misled you - have only currently got comets - these are definately the ONLY LIFE we have (and with our track record, who knows how long their LIFE expectancy will be :)
Really appreciate your help - you are a champion.

12/09/2007, 10:31 PM
by the way - nice dog in the picture. (we have a much better track record with dogs than fish). very good looking K9

12/10/2007, 10:06 AM

I'm a bit confused though, did you realize this site was focused on marine tanks versus freshwater?