View Full Version : Who acclimates what and how?

12/06/2007, 07:23 AM
Have been reading a few threads over the last couple of weeks with people giving wildly differing advice over acclimation for various things.

Personally i only properly acclimate inverts (shrimps, snails etc).
Anything else gets a 15 min float to equalise temp then goes straight in.
I've had no problems doing this with the likes of fox corals, cats, echnos, scolys, trachys, duncans, softies and acros.
Fish go straight in as well.

Now, i know people will jump straight on to the SG problem with adding fish straight in. But what is worse, a small change in SG, or a sitting for 2 hours in a bag of poo?
The level of ammonia and nitrate in a bag after a fish has been in it is pretty high, and not at all healthy for fish.

The only reason inverts need acclimating is the fact that they are so extremely sensitive to SG changes.

One or two LFS over here actually include this advice when shipping livestock, as it has a much better chance of surviving.
Also, anyone ever seen wholesalers drip acclimating a delivery? nope, it goes almost straight in

Personally i think this huge hangover about acclimating dates back to years ago when tank conditions were much poorer than they are today. The advances in technology and knowledge in the last decade have left us with far more natural levels in our home tanks, and it's just not needed any more.

So, thoughts on this anyone?