View Full Version : Where do you order custom sumps?

11/28/2007, 10:17 AM
Hello All,

I currently have a leak in my current acrylic sump. I don't remember what company I ordered it from 3 yrs ago since it was ordered via email from a recommendation.

I was curious where others on here have ordered their custom sumps from. I am looking for a sump that is 36"L x 20"W x 18"H.

I am still going back and forth whether to do the sump in acrylic or glass. Right now, I wish my current sump was glass so I could just drain it and re-silicone the seams.

Thank you for your time and help...

Blown 346
11/28/2007, 10:47 AM
You can fix your sump you have now. I forgot the name of the acrylic products. You use the same products to bond acrylic together. Someone will chime in with the name

11/28/2007, 10:48 AM
melevreef.com If he gets back to you...

11/28/2007, 10:51 AM
On another thread someone recommended Weld-On #16. Problem was I could not find a local store that carried it. So, I ordered it online but won't get to me till next week Monday. In the meantime, I started emailing companies to get quotes on a custom glass sump.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Blown 346
11/28/2007, 10:55 AM
Thats the stuff. I myself would rather have a acrylic over glass. its more forgiving and you dont have to worry about it shattering. I had glass, and then went to acrylic.

11/28/2007, 11:08 AM
thanks for the reply.

hopefully the weld-on 16 works. if it doesn't i have a headache on how to get the sump out and put in the new one. the tank is 250 gallons (72 x 30 x 30) and the sump is 48 x 21 x 16. When putting the tank in place, i removed the 2 front braces of my stand (built the stand myself), slid in the sump/fuge, and then put back the 2 front braces.

so, if i can't fix the leak with the weld-on and need to remove the old sump and swap out with a new one, i need to drain most of the tank since i have to remove 2 front vertical braces (i have a total of 14 vertical braces made of 2 x 6 - 4 on back and front and 3 on left and right). hopefully i won't have to go this route :(

Craig Lambert
11/28/2007, 11:14 AM
Where are you located? TAP Plastics retail outlets have everything you need.

11/28/2007, 11:51 AM
I'm located in NJ. Actually TAP Plastics is the site I ordered Weld-On 16 from.

11/28/2007, 12:06 PM

11/28/2007, 02:51 PM

11/29/2007, 01:24 AM
well...i think i found the leak. spent the last couple of hours cleaning out my stand and fixing the leak. i am definitely glad i have a ShopVac :D

lucky for me it was not at any of the seams. it was actually the bulkhead for the return pump. haven't messed around anywhere near there lately but it just started leaking. tightened it a bit with a plumber's wrench and the leak stopped. have to make sure that is stopped leaking when i wake up in a couple of hours.

thanks again for all the replies and help...:D