View Full Version : Nano Pics and a ?

11/07/2007, 08:47 PM
Wanted to post some pics of my nano, it has been up and running since July/August. My question is about the macro algae growing to the right of the frogspawn on top, (infront of the sps). What kind is it? and do you know of anything that likes to eat it, nassarius snails won't touch it, and neither will a emerald crab. I don't have any fish yet, waiting to find a tiny pair of True Percula Clowns, if anyone knows of any let me know where to buy.

Tank is an Eclipse 12 with a 96w Retro PC, ~16lbs LR. Stock filter/pump, use puri-chem and rock rubble in filter.






11/07/2007, 09:21 PM
Nice looking nano; will look good as the corals all grow and fill in over time.

The algae is Halimeda, a calcareous algae. Its pretty harmless stuff- much easier to control than something like hair algae. I personally like the look of it and always have a couple stands growing in my reef.

One big drawback from it though: it does use a lot of calcium, so you will have to dose extra heavy to keep it from competing with your corals.

I havent found a fish that will reliably eat the stuff (not a fish that is a manageable size in a nano anyhow). Best way is just to get in there and yank it out yourself.

11/07/2007, 09:22 PM
it looks like helimida excuse the spelling

11/07/2007, 09:24 PM
Hormigaquatica beat me to it

11/07/2007, 10:24 PM
I had a foxface (obviously too big for that tank) that loved the stuff. AA sold it to me as money algea years ago, told me nothing would eat it. That was back in the "spend $600 in fish and get 50% off" days

11/08/2007, 05:57 AM
Welcome to CORA. :)

I work at ODPS also. Thats a bit of a drive from Mansfield everyday isn't it? ;) I drove from Sandusky and back for 2 weeks when I started 15 years ago, before we found a place down here. Got tired of it real quick. ;)

11/08/2007, 06:47 PM
Added some blue Zoas(frag) and another sps(frag) bought from Phishy's.

thanks for the info on the halimeda, I like the look of it, but I have pruned it back.