View Full Version : BIG hitchhiker with coral - whatdoIdo?

11/06/2007, 12:09 AM
Hey everybody;

I'm feeling really dumb - but here goes. I bought a lovely ricordea yuma the other day - actually it was a colony on a rock - not a frag.

I acclimated it carefully and have been watching the corals anxiously - being a newbie and all. All looks good.....except......

Kay - so here is the thing - the rock.....isn't a rock! The "rock" opened up today. It is a big clam or oyster or some sort of bivalve! I thought it must've been my imagination - but it is definately alive - it clamped down tight when I squirted with turkey baster towards it....and opened up again several minutes later.

So....I am really new at this. I do not know how to take the yuma's off - there is one big one and four little ones. I don't know how to attach them to anything. I don't know if this oyster thingie is ok to have in the tank - if it dies.....sheesh - it is pretty big!

HELP! I thought I bought a coral, and carefully inspected for unfriendly hitchhikers - and instead the coral WAS the hitchhiker!!!!!

11/06/2007, 12:13 AM
Sounds like a scallop. Its safe and maynot make it. Here is an id site.


11/06/2007, 12:16 AM
How about a picture? Sounds interesting.

11/06/2007, 01:00 AM
lol sorry but thats funny. and really, it sounds like a really cool combo! how big is the colony? small and prob a scallop - large and possibly an oyster. If you want to keep it alive, you'll need to dose your tank with phytoplankton... If it dies, just carefully seperate and discard the meat portion from the 'shell' where the ricordeas are, and place the shell piece back into the tank.

You'll know its dead if its mantle is exposed, and it does not respond to poking/spraying it.

11/06/2007, 01:28 AM
Man thats awsome id be stoked!

11/06/2007, 07:24 AM
*~BEGGING~*....( for a pic of this!) That is awesome!