View Full Version : Becket Question

11/05/2007, 11:46 AM
I am using supplies that I have laying around to build a skimmer on a budget. I have an older becket skimmer that does not fit in my sump so I figured I would build a new body and use parts from the old skimmer to save some money. Can you use the becket injector at the intake side of a needlwheel pump or does it have to be on the outflow side of a regular pump?

Anyone ever mod a Mag drive 9.5 to use as a needlwheel pump? Is it possible?

Just toying with the idea of making this a needlewheel skimmer with parts I already have.


11/06/2007, 01:13 AM
Steve, while I don't have your answer, we do need to hook up sometime so I can rummage through your setup for ideas.

11/06/2007, 01:15 AM

Have you visited the local club forum yet?


11/06/2007, 11:04 AM
I did a NW mod on A 9.5 it has been running for about a month now with no problems

11/06/2007, 11:07 AM

Just curious to how you did the mod.

11/06/2007, 08:49 PM
A becket will not work well on the input of a pump. It will not work well on the output of a mag 9.5 either. For it to work its best it needs a good pressure pump.

You can mesh mod the mag and make a simple venturi for the intake on it and it should work very well.
