View Full Version : filmy smelly fresh salt water... why?

10/28/2007, 07:33 PM
I went to take a gallon of fresh salt water out of my brute tonight and it smelled weird so i turned the light on.
there was a bunch of filmy crud that floated to the top of my pitcher. so i skimmed the rest of it off and there was a redish ring around the can.

do i have to throw away 40 gallons of water?

why did it happen so it doesent happen agian?

brute trash can

been mixing since wednesday night. I havent looked at it since i mixed it until tonight...

thanks for any ideas :)

10/28/2007, 09:08 PM
What kind of salt are you using? My 50g drum would get a brown film around the top, but it never hurt anything. I thought it happened when I let the saltwater mix for too long.

10/28/2007, 09:11 PM
IO salt. Ive gotton ring around the can before. but never a film on top.

did yours smell bad? after i got the film off it wasent smelly.....

it def hasent been mixing to long, only 4 days..

10/28/2007, 09:15 PM
heh i almost lost my marbles tonight. after the water incident, i cleaned my overflow and ive been getting alot of rust colored somthing or other in there so i decided to break out the tests.
for some reason i decided to test for copper.. new house n all..

I start adding my drops and it turns brite blue and i start freaking out. and tried a diff container. still blue.. well after awhile i realised the dropper i was using i used to measure copper in the past.... hu...It was a mightly funny thing to watch tho!.. haha... :D

10/28/2007, 09:17 PM
I guess I never smelled it. The barrel was up high and sat right next to my Geo skimmer. Take a water sample to Serdar to test it just to make sure.

10/29/2007, 07:12 AM
duh.. i tested my tank but not that water.... guess i could do that... :)

10/29/2007, 10:42 AM
If it was filmy I would say not enough flow. I've had that happen before.

Now I use a mag 9 to mix and heat the water and havnt had any problems.

10/29/2007, 11:40 AM
The brown crud it could be some sort of bacteria/algae or maybe rust from the water perhaps? I would say that is unlikely since you're probably using RO/DI water and it would probably settle. Maybe check your filters though?

I've had the RO/DI water itsef go a little bad. Was freshwater sitting for a long time before you added salt? Since it's deionized water it tends to become very attractive and pulls out all kinds of nasty stuff from the air. From what I've read on here, most people say a little musty smell or stale isn't going to hurt anything and they use it. I have too.

If it's bad enough to 'lose your marbles' or perhaps 'toss your cookies' then pitching it would be best, IMO.


Briney Dave
10/29/2007, 11:49 AM
I have picked up a musty smell too from time to time. The lid has to be drum tight or it will pick up goodies from the air.
the film is either a fall out from the air or a bacteria. I don't think there are big worries here just keep a tight lid on the water and it should end the issues. (after a good cleaning of the container that is)


10/29/2007, 12:20 PM
Yep, I have seen the film buildup when I leave the lid off my mixing container.
I use IO salt and a MJ1200 usually, it only creates slight surface agitation.

My container is not air tight, but close (the cords create a small gap).
I take the lid off for a few hours before a water change to facilitate gas exchange, but otherwise keep it covered.

There have been reports of bad batches of IO salt from time to time which can sometimes lead to algae issues. Wouldn't hurt to test it for Phosphate and Nitrate just in case.


10/29/2007, 01:34 PM
you guys figured out my problem :)

when i was taking the lid off the brute there would be tons of condensation pouring from the lid, so i have started leaveing the lid open a little bit. I turned down the heater a tiny bit and put my lid back on. the only air getting in is thru a tiny hole that i slip my r/o tube thru.

I knew the salt wasent bad, im almost 1/2 way done with this particular bucket and its been fine.

sweet, thanks guys :)

10/29/2007, 07:32 PM
Glad you got it figured out. :)

Keep it tight and just give that lid a good thwap before you take it off or pour the condensation off into the barrel before you toss it on the floor.

11/06/2007, 04:44 PM
hm. I was just mixing up some saltwater and I got to the bottom of my IO bucket and theres this red rock looking thing at the bottom. not very big, 1/2 inch wide by 1/3 inch hight..

wonder if thats causeing the weird film (that ive had every time i mixed salt from this bucket after this thread) or the rust color on my sand. (??) It started when I reached about 1/2 bucket...

I rinsed it off and it left a red residue on the paper towel when I dried it...


11/07/2007, 08:45 AM
We use Red Sea Pro salt and get the same red residue on the container and pump. I have to take it out and scrub the thing out after 5 batches or so of salt.

11/07/2007, 10:04 AM
right ive had the red slime for about a yr(?) never saw red slime b4 that... but now i get film on the top (with this bucket of salt) and i found a weird rock or somthing.. honestly it looks weirder than that.. a bone fragment (?)

I e mailed IO, hoping they will test it and let me know if its what caused the issue.

EDIT: Just got an e mail, they want to get a look at it, test it, and they said they will let me know what they find.

Also said they would like to send a free bucket to me....

Just bought 1 yesterday, go figure. lol

Ill update on what it was!!