View Full Version : Popeye (help)

10/28/2007, 06:11 PM
Anyone heard of lowering the salinity in your qt tank to make medicine work better I have a Anthias my favorite one who came up with popeye this morning and I dont know why. Is it contagious? I have been trying to catch her with no luck.
Shes eating like a hog I am going to catch her tommorw night and put her in the qt tank and treat her I just not sure what to get yet I have read about so much stuff in the last couple hours. What have people had luck with? thanks Aaron

10/28/2007, 06:49 PM
Leave her alone in the reef. unless she stops eatting.

Get maracyn 2 for salt water, pulvarise it and soak your flake in it. feed as usual. (dont worry about the others eatting it)

If it stops eatting, put it in qt and treat with maracyn 2 double the dose.

NOTE.. NEVER lower salinity while treating with antibiotics. and antibiotics should also be used in low light in a qt.. evedently it changes it...

A couple people on cora have cured popeye with just the soaking flake.

My last lil anthia got popeye over a weekend that i wasent home.
She reefused to eat and I tried for 5 days to treat it in tank. gave up and qted her 5 day treatment of maracyn. popeye was 90% better but she couldent see her food.

I had to move the tanks so i put her back in the reef when i moved.

She either got brain damnage or went blind. the popeye came back . I qt'ed her agian and basicly hand fed her because she wouldent swim or catch food.

got the popeye to go away, tried the reef agian and she just got worse. I put her down with clove oil, I dident have very good luck with my anthias :(


that link is good :)

edit.. nope, not contagious

10/28/2007, 07:03 PM
nice link thanks This is the one I was reading about lowering salinity to make meds work better. Thanks again thats what I was thinking of doing if I couldnt catch it.


10/28/2007, 07:35 PM
they sure arent easy to catch thats for sure lol

I donno about that salinity thing. you can backstep on that link i gave you. its a guy named lee. hes an ickologist among other things, i ask him health questions constantly. but he always stresses to me not to lower the salinity. just cant remember the sientific reason lol

10/28/2007, 09:54 PM
Are they prone to popeye? Is it caused by a dietary defeciency or stress related?

10/29/2007, 07:09 AM
they are deep water fish and we all have very brite light on our tanks. i think thats one reason. mine were really weak fish to boot....

10/29/2007, 05:33 PM
I have had mine for a long time the only thing I have changed is I went from 400 halides down to 250s on that tank I got maracyn 2 powder for saltwater mixed in to the food they liked that every fish came out of everywhere to get some. And all the anthias ate most of it when it hit the water so hopefully it will heal with time.

10/29/2007, 11:23 PM
mine eat like pigs! I feed them small meals 3 -4 times a day and they still fight over food. I hope yours heals. If you learn anything about the cause/effect of anthias developing diseases such as popeye I would like to know.