View Full Version : never had a thread of mine closed before

10/26/2007, 12:36 PM
it sucks. i hope everyone realizes that i was not making light of it all when i made that thread. i was rolling my eyes at the "hackers" who trashed the forums. i still visit there every day to check. i just wanted to emphasize my position.

also, why close the thread? im not trying to be dense here, but i just dont understand. nothing particularly harsh was said. panaboy just made an off color comment, and there was a joke about someone hacking them. as a member of about 6 forums with thousand of posts, i just havent seen anything that modest get stopped before. please dont mistake this for criticism towards whoever closed it.

in closing, i just wanted to clear up any doubt on my position. please do not start any flame wars as there are too many of those elsewhere and we dont need them here!


10/26/2007, 12:50 PM
This is why I did not understand why anything was even said. If you had something to say, BNARC has a forum on RC also, should have been posted there.

By posting here it seems that you were trying to fan the flame. You may not know but there is some hard feelings between some CIMA and BNARC members. With that said, we do not need any more controversy between the two clubs.

10/26/2007, 12:52 PM
Folks - lets just talk about reef keeping shall we?