View Full Version : Wanted to say hello

10/23/2007, 07:22 AM
Just wanted to say hi! I'm in Westerville, starting my first saltwater aquarium. I have had 2 tanks in my house for a while. One 55g Cichlid tank, and 1 30g heavily planted tank.

I have decided to give saltwater a try, simply because I am always up for new challenges and I really think my kids (2 year old, 2 month old) would enjoy the variety of saltwater fish as opposed to my single species cichlid tank. At least thats as good of reasoning I could come up with!!

So I broke down the 55, and put in its place a 75 (always wanted an excuse to go bigger). I added water, mixed in salt and added some sand (live sand from an established tank). Things were pretty cloudy at first but are settling nicely. Right now I have and aquaclear 110 (500) on there for surface agitation and water movement, along with 2 powerheads and a heater. I just tossed the AC110 there since I had it, and I wanted to make sure things were moving along. Ill probably pull it out of there, once it stops making sense to have it. I have a few nice canister filters, but those are best suited elsewhere, and will be sold. On that note, anyone have an old HOB skimmer they are parting with?

I am planning on not running any filtration other than a skimmer at first, and eventually adding a sump. Unfortunately the tank is not drilled and I do realize NOW is the time to do this, but its too late, by a few days (should have read more earlier!), and Ill just kick myself for it later.

Once I can successfully accomplish fish and live rock, I will gradually move up to a reef. One step at a time though...

Just wanted to say hi. Bear with me, ill learn quickly.


10/23/2007, 07:26 AM

CORA is a great group. Sit back, read, ask questions.

10/23/2007, 07:38 AM
Hello and welcome to CORA!
If you tank is drilled, you're gonna save yourself some headaches. If it is still empty why can't you still drill it?

10/23/2007, 08:42 AM
Well, its full of water and live sand. If I had thought to drill it last week, it would be drilled for sure. I suppose I -could- start again, but...but.....just making excuses now

10/23/2007, 08:55 AM
Drain the water pull the sand and drill that baby. You'll be glad you did.

10/23/2007, 09:01 AM
I concur.

10/23/2007, 09:12 AM
Drilling it will save you carpeting also, maybe even your head!!!

10/23/2007, 09:55 AM
should I just drill for an overflow, or should I do more?

10/23/2007, 10:33 AM
Can you drill a 75 or is that a 55. I know one is made with tempered glass? Just make sure first!

Btw welcome to CORA!!!!

10/23/2007, 10:54 AM
Welcome!!! Drain that baby!

Bottoms are tempered glass. Sides should be fine.

I would suggest drilling a hole in the top left corner for a 2" bulkhead/drain, the bigger the better. This will keep you from having to have an overflow box and save you space. You can ad a modified durso stand pipe that resides outside of the back of your tank like this...


Then drill a hole for a 1" bulkhead/return in the top right. This will keep it nice and clean and give you the ability to hide everything in a sump below like skimmer/heater/media reactor.

Shark Keeper
10/23/2007, 11:42 AM
I agree! I set up a 125 in the wall prior to finding CORA and RC. I did not drill the tank and used a HOB deal but knowing what I know now I would NEVER use one again.

I say drill it!

10/23/2007, 12:10 PM

Now get drilling! :)

10/23/2007, 12:28 PM
Yep, I agree.
Get some 35 gallon Brute trash cans (you will want them later to mix up water in anyway) and put the Water and sand in there while you get it drilled.
Reef Systems Coral Farm and Phishy Business offer glass drilling services locally.
I believe they are both closed today, but Phishy will be open tomorrow.

10/23/2007, 12:46 PM
man you guys are killing me!! Looks like ill have to do it. I have a few rubbermainds, so its not that big of a deal.

How big does the hole have to be for a 2" and 1" bulkhead, respectively, and can I just cap it off until I do the plumbing for a sump, so I can get my cycle started sooner?


10/23/2007, 12:55 PM
Get your bulkheads from Savko. They are local.

1" Bulkhead (http://www.savko.com/partlist.asp?pgid=2&ptid=5&pid=28&part=104010) needs a 2" hole

2" Bulkhead (http://www.savko.com/partlist.asp?pgid=2&ptid=5&pid=28&part=104020) needs a 3.25" hole.

Stick with the heavyduty Sch 80. Yes you can just use a threaded male cap and some teflon tape and you'll be ready for a future sump.

10/23/2007, 02:35 PM
Oh and don't cheat if you are going to have to move the tank to drill, I'd drain it all the way and remove the sand. Otherwise you risk weakening a seam. As stated you'll be much happier in the long run IMO.

and welcome to RC!
BTW the next club meeting is on Nov. 29th 7pm. Check the club website for the details. :)

10/23/2007, 04:00 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11034173#post11034173 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hollback
Get your bulkheads from Savko. They are local.

Stick with the heavyduty Sch 80. Yes you can just use a threaded male cap and some teflon tape and you'll be ready for a future sump.

Agree 100%. I will never use another Sch40 unless I absolutely have to. Sch 80 are more expensive and require bigger holes, but infinitely easier to tighten and less likely to crack either themselves or the tank.

10/23/2007, 04:57 PM
Welcome. :cool:

10/23/2007, 05:54 PM
Welcome. I am getting ready to drain my 75 and move everything into my new 120 for a while for I can drill it I have flooded my house for the last time. Knock on wood. LOL You will be glad you did trust me my wife has about had my head a dozen or so times for flooding the basement .

10/23/2007, 07:43 PM
If you are going to drill your tank, you may need to drain out the water. you have to keep the drill bit wet so it stays cool and lubricated...i did that by putting the tank on its side and making a dam with plumbers putty so the drill bit could stay submerged.

anyway, i have the bit necessary to install schedule 40 1" bulkheads, but if you want sch 80 you'll need a little bigger hole. lmk if you want the bit.

10/23/2007, 07:57 PM
Thanks, but Todd at Reef Systems is doing it for me on Thursday morning. He has the hardware I need too, so its like one stop shopping! :)

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the advice. My wife on the other hand, well....she'll live!

10/23/2007, 08:46 PM
Don't make enemies with your wife this early in the build. Remember she can wreck the plans of ever going bigger, when you do later :D

Welcome and as some have stated this is a great group of people with a vast amount of knowledge. Take the time and do it right in this hobbie and it will reward you and your family.
