View Full Version : WTB Neon Green Sinularia

10/15/2007, 04:57 PM
I picked up a nice frag yesterday at the swap but it managed to fall off the liverock I had it ziptied to. I would prefer one that is attached to live rock. Just let me know....

10/15/2007, 06:05 PM
If you dont find any soon, let me know, Im sure some of mine will stretch onto another base..

If you find the piece you have, get some gravel and then use the superGel to hold it into place. In a week or two it wont like the gel and will attach itself.

10/15/2007, 08:08 PM
Being a softie I would toothpick it to a rock.

10/15/2007, 08:28 PM
I have some real nice Neon Green Sinularia attached to a rock. I live in Cleveland area ( just about 2 hours from frag swap). Let me know if you wanna stop out.

10/15/2007, 10:19 PM
If you shove it down into a hole it will attach in about a day or two.

10/15/2007, 10:54 PM
Brian, I am about 35 mins away (right near Ashland) and have 2 types of green sinularia and also a green toadstool I could cut if you are interested. I am home after 5:30 any night and off Friday all day (but will be at C-SEA meeting is that night.)