View Full Version : eeekkkk flat worm check everyone

10/15/2007, 04:01 PM
hey guys. dont want to cause a stir here and I need more info..

But I was just cleaning the front of my glass near the sand and there are 3 red things crawling on my glass (look just like the clear flat worms but are brownish red)

can some one please post a picture of flatworms??

OK.... so i dont have ANY sps except 2 monti caps. (these are the sps killers right?)

I dident trade any corals yesterday, so if i had them i dident spread them... BUT. Im 99% sure I did NOT have these before the swap so double check your tanks if you added your things right in

Ok im going to do m,ore reaserch, but will my wrasse take care of it if its a small issue? talk me thru this guys, im having a bad day :(

10/15/2007, 04:17 PM
ok i doubt it was from the swap. I found 4 more on the side glass. and my wrasses been stirring sand more lately. but ***? How long do they take to reproduce? the last thing I put in my tank was a sponge in august, and im pretty anal about looking for issues.

should i use flat worm exit now even though i only see a few? can a wrasse really fix the issue? I feel dirty :(

10/15/2007, 06:25 PM
I dipped everything I got from the swap and killed a bunch of flatworms some mostly the little red ones. thats why you quarintine or dip everything you get. Is what i have ever read and thats what mitch had said when he came and spoke. Cheer up though I dont think those are the real bad ones. If you want rid of them Pig wormer kicks butt on them I did find out a while back. read more about this from Mitch Carls writings on these on the magazine on here. It is very cheap compared to flat worm exit and once usually does the trick.

10/15/2007, 06:25 PM
If they are reddish with a head and two "tails" then they are the common flatworm and not an SPS eating type. If they are oval and have kind of a spotted appearance, then they are the SPS eating type.

10/15/2007, 07:19 PM
reefdiver.. you know i just sat and searched my sump and fuge and i cant find ANY. they seem to be in the tank only.. for now. If u found some then maybe they were from the swap but I found at least ten so i donno.

I already ordered flatworm exit, i figure while theres still not many i should kill them before i have to start syphoning

verper.. yeah they arent the acro eatting ones they are the tiny redish ones with the split tails

jeez. this hobby sure is frustrating sometimes. at least i was paying attention i guess......

10/15/2007, 08:23 PM
I dipped and didn't see any. I hope I mixed it up strong enough. I checked all my acros with a magnifying glass for eggs as well.

10/15/2007, 08:39 PM
The problem with flatworm exit is I they are back in a week even at double strength it seems like. I have never had any luck with it. they always came back.

10/15/2007, 08:40 PM
I picked up about 10-12 frags from the swap and fresh water dipped them all and found 4 zoa nudi's and 1 sundial snail.

I have started dipping all of my frags lately since the last 3-4 time's I have brought some home they have had nudi's.

10/15/2007, 11:01 PM
I can't remember the guys name but I got a monti cap that he pointed out the flat worms when I bought it. I dipped and quarantined it completely by itself. Had a bunch of little snails I didn't trust either.
It's entirely possible you got them at the swap!


10/16/2007, 09:04 AM
yuk. well my bad for not dipping... ive never dipped before though!!! opps :(

10/16/2007, 12:27 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10980321#post10980321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hllywd
I can't remember the guys name but I got a monti cap that he pointed out the flat worms when I bought it. I dipped and quarantined it completely by itself. Had a bunch of little snails I didn't trust either.
It's entirely possible you got them at the swap!


That was me.

Those are the harmless flatworms - not the acro eaters. But I believe I told everyone that a quick FW dip will detach them. I did a quick dip before bagging them up, but that must not have gotten them all. Sorry Maggie, I wasn't there when you got my corals and I forgot to tell you to dip them.

Try siphoning them out with a turkey baster before you resort to flatworm exit or other chemicals.

The snails are from Project DIBS. They are either the DIBS turbo, or the Collonista sp. Both are in my frag tray - and are pretty good snails to have.

On a side note... everyone should get a small tank to quarrantine new livestock. My biggest fear is picking up the monti eating nudis, so I quarrantine new frags religously...

The only thing you need to look out for on my frags is the Myrionema sp hydroids.
I am very careful about these. Please tell me if you got them from my frags, because I do not want to be passing these buggers around. If you find any, remove that frag/rock immediately to a QT system. You can cut off the rock where they are attached and that will take care of them.

10/16/2007, 01:01 PM
sean... it was u?? I should have known!! ;)

they are congragated on the glass near where i put the candycanes. to late to dip now right?

yes, they are NOT the acro eaters, but from what i understand they reproduce very quickly and smother corals, and once theres to many you have to syphon everyday because if you use flatworm exit and theres to many.. they are toxic when you kill them....

ive sucked out 10 or 15.... I havent been to diligent cause i figured id just use the flatworm exit. Ill go see if i can catch some more.

collistia snails are great snails btw

I dident see any hydroids, ill go double check. this rootcanal has got me all messed up :( Not alot of modivation to mess with the tank right now

10/16/2007, 01:24 PM
Yeah, I posted pics of the frags that I got and someone replied and said that one of my acros had bite marks from AEFWs. Here is a link to the pics if anyone wants to see and let me know what they think. Its at the bottom of the last page if you are not taken there.


10/16/2007, 01:25 PM
ouch. I caught maybe ten more and then pulled out the candy canes. there are alot on them.

freshwater dip = match the temp and ph of the salt water, how long of a dip?

10/16/2007, 01:40 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10983366#post10983366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by seandanekind
That was me.

Those are the harmless flatworms - not the acro eaters. But I believe I told everyone that a quick FW dip will detach them. I did a quick dip before bagging them up, but that must not have gotten them all. Sorry Maggie, I wasn't there when you got my corals and I forgot to tell you to dip them.

Try siphoning them out with a turkey baster before you resort to flatworm exit or other chemicals.

The snails are from Project DIBS. They are either the DIBS turbo, or the Collonista sp. Both are in my frag tray - and are pretty good snails to have.

On a side note... everyone should get a small tank to quarrantine new livestock. My biggest fear is picking up the monti eating nudis, so I quarrantine new frags religously...

The only thing you need to look out for on my frags is the Myrionema sp hydroids.
I am very careful about these. Please tell me if you got them from my frags, because I do not want to be passing these buggers around. If you find any, remove that frag/rock immediately to a QT system. You can cut off the rock where they are attached and that will take care of them.

I couldn't remember who, this just underscored to me why I should dip everything anyway. We didn't get home till around 9:00 Sunday and I was pretty tired, hate it that I ditched the snails but I didn't want to take a chance, guess I should have asked what they were... The frags look good. Thanks!


10/16/2007, 01:47 PM
I blame it on a terrible toothache, but i went back and theres even a dead flatworm in one of the containers, i wasent paying attention at all, i just needed to lay down.

I did a freshwater dip on the canes just now (yaya to little to late) the bucket was a lil dirty, nothing insane.

thank you for the honesty though sean, i do appreiciate it.

anyone have any solid reason why i shouldent use flatworm exit now?
I only did a lil research but from what I understand the worse they get, the more toxic stuff you'll release when you do kill them.

hllywd.. ive been asked to sell my lil snails lots of times, they reproduce like crazy, and you only see them at night. I really like em. there is a downside though, is they are so small they can get caught in impellers. i probley have a few thousand of them. they cover the rocks at night!!

kmacartney- maybe you should dip it just to see if anything falls off?

10/16/2007, 01:56 PM
a flatworm vacumme



10/16/2007, 02:14 PM
Hey Maggie-

I've never seen them smother any of my corals - even tiny frags, so I think you'll be OK.

You can also hit them with a powerhead, as they hate high flow areas... but that just spreads them to the low flow areas...

I put a coris wrasse in my main tank, and rarely see the worms there. They do show up in my frag tanks pretty often, but I just seriously increased the flow in there, so hopefully no longer...

10/16/2007, 02:42 PM
Ok. well Ill keep my eyes open to them and if it seems to get worse ill use the exit, but Ill hold off for now.

10/17/2007, 05:44 PM
So today, I looked at my toadstool leather.... and it has like 7 little brownish red spots on it.... and it is smaller than normal...

any ideas?

10/17/2007, 05:54 PM
do the spots move? do an image search for flatworms and aefw and you can compare

10/17/2007, 06:43 PM
They look like this


they are just on a toadstool leather....

This is really upsetting...

10/17/2007, 08:50 PM
so they dont have a split tail?

i wouldent get to upset, there are ways to get rid of them that dont seem to bad. that picture there looks like the acro eating kind. do you have sps?

10/17/2007, 09:01 PM
There were some really small brown flecks on the frag plug. I just did a fw dip and the only thing that fell off is flesh. That colony is really stinky, more than usual. Should I frag what is left or just write it off?

10/17/2007, 09:15 PM
yes i do.... 6 leathers ..... xenia....

what can i do ...

10/18/2007, 07:07 AM
Those are not acro eating flatworms on the mushroom. They are more translucent amd much smaller. They would also be on your acros not your softies. I would just try to siphon them out.

I battled the red flatworms several years ago. I used FW exit three times. It worked for about a week and then they would come back full force. After about two months they all just disappeared.

10/18/2007, 09:34 AM
Didn't someone have a "trap" for these... or was it bristleworms...

I thought it was like the resealable glad containers everyone uses - with a hole cut in the lit, and plastic screen glued in place so larger animals cannot get in. Then load the container with weights and stuff the worms will be attracted to... cocktail shrimp, or even a piece of the coral they are getting on. Place it near the flatworms in the tank.

Leave it there overnight... and when a bunch of worms are in there the next morning - carefully remove it.

I'll see if I can find a link...

10/18/2007, 09:39 AM
I think that was for those ciranolid (sp?) isopods. I could be wrong.

10/18/2007, 10:00 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10997637#post10997637 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hollback
Those are not acro eating flatworms on the mushroom. They are more translucent amd much smaller. They would also be on your acros not your softies. I would just try to siphon them out.

I battled the red flatworms several years ago. I used FW exit three times. It worked for about a week and then they would come back full force. After about two months they all just disappeared.

Same here. A little wrasse help took care of the majority of the ones that made it through FWE and the rest just disappeared

For prevention, I typically use fresh water for LPS/softies as well as TMPCC, and TMPCC/interceptor/fluke for SPS. This occurs on all new frags, regardless of source.

10/18/2007, 10:26 PM
what type of Wrasse eats flatworms?

10/19/2007, 07:32 AM
ive only heard anyone say 6lines, but i have a christmas wrasse and it was picking at the flatworm-coral alot.