View Full Version : Anyone have any luck w clown tangs?

10/14/2002, 05:13 PM
I had a clown tang when I was just getting started in reefkeeping. The one I had ate real well and didnt have any problems with other fish that I knew of but died about a month after I got him. I would like to try another since it was such a cool fish but I dont want to get one just to see it croak again. I have an established 90 gal reef w/ a low bioload.

10/14/2002, 06:14 PM
I wouldn't get one for a 90g tank. At the risk of getting into the old tank size for a tang debate again, I'll say that this tang needs a larger tank; it can get up to 15", and that's way too large for a 90g. This is even more the case when you consider how aggressive clown tangs usually are; it will REALLY limit what else you can keep. I'd want at the very, very least 180g.

Of course, all of this is still ignoring the hardiness of this fish, which is often not as high as you would like (though this is probably often as a result of them coming into the stores in bad shape).


10/14/2002, 06:38 PM
No and I have tried a couple of times in the past.
My experience, your experience and everything I have read confirms that clown tangs simply do not survive in our tanks and should be left in the ocean.