View Full Version : Precision Marine Bullet Skimmer Tips

08/28/2007, 08:44 PM
There does not seem to be much information on RC about the Precision Marine Bullet line of skimmers. Is this considered to be a good skimmer? Those of you that have one are there any good tweaks/mods for it? Any pics of it pullin gunk!?!

I have a Bullet 1 that has been running for 3 days and has not produced any skimmate but has over-flowed into the waste collection container several times.
My bioload is extremely light in that I have 1 fish in 90g volume of water with about 70lbs of established liverock. I guess this maybe why I have no skimmate. That is neither here nor there.. I'd like to get some good discussion going about these skimmers!


08/29/2007, 10:19 AM
The PM is a fine skimmer. I had one myself for several years. It does require a powerful pump to run well though. What kind of pump are you using? Also, is the skimmer new? If so, it will take a little while to break in. If not, you may need to clean it (the beckett will get clogged wth gunk from time to time and needs to be soaked in vinegar and brushed off to function optimally.)

Here's how you dial it in:

- Shut down the air valve as far as it will go
- Adjust the gate valve so that the water level is within 1 cm of the top of the grey box at the base of the column
- Open the air valve up very slowly (open it an 1/8 of the way, walk away and come back in 5 minutes)
- Are you getting some decent foam? If not, repeat the previous step. If you are then let it continue to build up until it stops rising (maybe another 10 minutes.) You want the top level of the foam to be at the top of the riser (give or take an nch or so depending on whther you want a dryer or wetter skim.) If it's not there yet then open the air valve a little more.

08/29/2007, 04:42 PM
Like wryknow said, it needs a powerful pump, the only downside. I have a Bullet 1 and I am using a Mag24, mostly because it's pumping water about 2-3 feet away from the sump and about 2 feet high.

it takes awhile to break in as well, somtimes more than 3 days.