View Full Version : What's with everybody leaving hobby?

08/24/2007, 10:16 AM
I keep seeing lots of people getting out of the hobby on this board and other boards. Just wondered why everyone is getting out of this hobby? Wondered if it had to due with the ice storm this year that brought many people down? Just seems like a lot more this year than most years.

08/24/2007, 12:19 PM
It is not a cheap hobby! Have you looked at the prices for coral and fish lately! I have not bought anything new in a while because of electric prices with my MH on. I would rather have someone take a break from the hobby then to neglect there reef tank and let everything suffer.

08/24/2007, 01:17 PM
Those prices are pretty high especially at Pet wharehouse were you get a yellow Tang for like $100.00 now. By the way I didn't mean this post to be offensive to anyone just more of a question as I was curious if the rising costs were what was doing it or just less people interested in this stuff or the rising gas prices, or whatever.

08/24/2007, 02:15 PM
Even though some are getting out of the hobby, it seems many new faces have also appeared. You would be suprised to know how many people are into SW in our area that have no idea the SEAS, or this forum exist.


08/24/2007, 04:28 PM
I'm telling your wife you're being a jerk! JERK!

08/24/2007, 04:30 PM
You can tell her but she already knows!