View Full Version : sandbed issues

08/21/2007, 09:56 PM
Ok my sand bed is looking rough. i have some nassarious snails, tiger cuke , and fighting conch.. seems like they can't keep the sand bed clean. anyone have any tips? I thought about increasing the flow.. but i'm too scared it's going to be too much on my corals. I have clam, bta, toadstool, monti, cabbage, open brain, spagattie ( think thats right for spelling) and some zoas. for my powerheads i have a koralia 1 (400 gph) and a rio 600 (200 gph) . I been thinking about taking the rio powerhead out and adding the maxijet 900 in it's place.. what is ya'lls opinion.

08/21/2007, 10:20 PM
try some diamond gobies...they kick butt

08/21/2007, 10:31 PM
What kind of sand do you have? If it contains crushed coral or shell the bits of shell/coral will turn red, while the rest stays white, nothing much you can do about it.

08/21/2007, 10:32 PM
aragalive sand.. i have 5 fish in my 29 gal.. don't want anymore.

08/21/2007, 10:51 PM
Should i add more flow?

08/21/2007, 11:59 PM