View Full Version : Regional frag swap in Dixon on Sat. Oct. 6

08/13/2007, 04:40 PM
Hi - It is time to start getting ready for the regional frag swap to be held in Dixon on Saturday Oct. 6. We will be starting promptly at 12:30.

You must be a member of a reef club to be able to participate. You should be able to join a local club the day of the swap.

There will be a Rare category, you will have to bring 2 rare frags to earn one pick. This way, rare corals make it into the general swap. As the time gets closer, rare corals will be determined.

We will be picking in groups, when you arrive you will draw a name tag with a picking group on it. We will be picking Rare, A, B, C, etc. then start back down - C, B, A, Rare.

We will be having a BBQ for the cost of $6.00

If you do not have frags to bring, you can buy in for $15.00 which will go towards the purchase of frags to add to the tables.

We will also be having a raffle of corals.

This only works if we have alot of generous poeple who are willing to frag their corals to share with others. Start fragging now, so your corals get a chance to heal.

08/13/2007, 04:50 PM
Is this the Mars Swap?

08/13/2007, 04:53 PM
This is the only frag swap there will be, instead of a MARS event, it will be for all clubs. (MARs has volunteered to help with the logistics)

Reef n' Madness
08/13/2007, 04:57 PM
Is there a location yet?

08/13/2007, 04:59 PM

Reef n' Madness
08/13/2007, 05:02 PM
no particular place in Dixon?

08/13/2007, 05:06 PM
i'm sure the address and details will be provided later on.

pam, if you need help setting things up, plmk.


08/13/2007, 05:08 PM
It will be at my house in Dixon, we have a large backyard and plenty of parking at the park next door. I will give out the address when the time gets closer. Thanks Tim, I may take you up on it -

Reef n' Madness
08/13/2007, 05:18 PM
How nice of you to offer up your home! I look forward to it.

08/13/2007, 05:27 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10545083#post10545083 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tfp
i'm sure the address and details will be provided later on.

pam, if you need help setting things up, plmk.


Me too Pam. Thanks for doing this for all of us. :)

08/13/2007, 05:30 PM
I'm really looking forward to another gathering at Pam's. If you were lucky enough to attend previous frag swaps at her place, I know you'll want to be there again. If you haven't before, you won't want to miss out.

For those that attended last year's Regional Frag Swap, the format will be mostly similar:)

Please bring your corals:

1) Pre-fragged
Preferably, pre-fragged with enough time to encrust/attach onto something. If the frags you are bringing are fresh cut, please frag the coral the night before to give the frag time to stop sliming and sloughing, and to improve survivability before packing it to bring to the swap.

2) In a plastic container or double bagged
I highly recommend the Rubbermaid TakeAlongs containers and the clear plastic containers sold at BAR meetings. Double bagged LFS bags are fine as well, but please NO ziploc bags.

3) Labeled
Please do your best to label each frag with a Sharpie. Please include the frag’s common name and/or scientific name, brief tank placement description (i.e. low, 250W), and your RC handle.

I also suggest you bring some kind of ice chest/cooler for the corals that you pick during the swap. Blue LED flashlights are also handy for quick decision making.

Pick Order
Each participant will be given a nametag and Letter, which will be the group with whom you’ll pick with.
Corals will be grouped according to type.
Groups will rotate through the picking area with each person picking 1 coral.
Bonus tickets will pick first in each round.
The order of groups picking will go up, then down. For example, if there are 3 groups the order would be:

Bonus, A, B, C…

…C, B, A, Bonus

Bonus, A, B, C…

Bonus round/bonus tickets
Bonus tickets are obtained by bringing 'rare' corals, or by bringing multiple other corals. For each Bonus ticket, you get one pick in a Bonus round which is in place of your normal picking group in that round. If you have multiple bonus tickets, you can only use one in each bonus round. Once you are out of bonus tickets, you will revert to your regular picking group for the next round. If a bonus round has too many people in it, it will be split into two just to make the picking area less frantic.

Here are examples of how the bonus tickets will be distributed:

2 'rare' frags = 1 bonus ticket

12 common frags = 1 bonus ticket

15 common frags = 1 bonus ticket

24 common frags = 2 bonus tickets

15 common frags + 1 rare frag = 1 bonus ticket

12 common frags + 2 rare frags = 2 bonus tickets

4 rare frags = 2 bonus tickets

As Pam mentioned, we'll start a Rare Consideration thread in one of the forums, when we get closer to the event date.

More news to come, so stay tuned;)

08/13/2007, 05:49 PM
sounds pretty cool, but also sounds kind of...distant.
Why do Marine Aquarists Roundtable of Sacramento events always take place so far from Sacramento?

08/13/2007, 05:58 PM
The Regional Frag Swaps isn't a single club event. It's for all the surrounding reef clubs and its members. We've extended invites to as far up as CRC (Chico Reef Club), down to CVR (Central Valley Reefers):D

08/13/2007, 05:59 PM
It makes it easier for folks from the Bay Area and beyond to attend. Of course it makes it even farther for me, but it is WELL worth the drive.

Besides Pam being a nice person with a nice husband and a nice house, she also has an awesome huge tank that you can stare at for hours.

This is an opportunity not to be missed.

08/13/2007, 06:03 PM

Try to find a place that will permit the following:

1. Saltwater in the establishment
2. enough parking
3. Big enough to host 10 people
4. Free or inexpensive
5. Has a HUGE tank that we can all drool over.

Good luck. Beside - Dixon is only a few miles from Sacramento.


08/13/2007, 06:25 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10545400#post10545400 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shiveley
sounds pretty cool, but also sounds kind of...distant.
Why do Marine Aquarists Roundtable of Sacramento events always take place so far from Sacramento?

Last years was in sacramento's.....

I forgot this was that one....

I liked the one last year, the food there was amazing.

Who ever is doing the cooking has some high standards to mett up too!!!!:rollface: :cool:

08/13/2007, 07:25 PM
Pam, This sounds very fun and I have been wanting to get back over to your house for a looksy at your tank again :D. I'll have to get my BAR membership up to date...I let it lapse this year, been meaning to take care of that for a few months now. A reason to get right on it ;).

Looking forward to it and have the date marked on the calendar.

08/13/2007, 09:40 PM
I'm in. The Swaps at Pam's house are great!

Now that I own a 10' by 10' canopy, I'd be happy to bring it by early and set it up if you need more shade.

Now that I have a digital camera, I'll enjoy taking some eye candy shots of Pam's tanks.

Pam - Thanks again for hosting at your place. I know it's a pain; but, we really appreciate it. For me, your place has a lot of great memories.

Is the video of Calfo's fragging demonstration available?

Best of luck,


08/13/2007, 10:23 PM
I thought the last Bay Area swap that had the "daisy chain" was an interesting way........

How did that work out in the end, and would there be any interest in doing that in addition to the rare frag cateregory the day of the event? That way we could get the ball rolling sooner as a "pre-swap" with actual trades happening as well during the event, possibly including other LPS and or Softie Categories?

As well, this could serve as a guage esp. in the rare category for the "rare" classifications, cutting down on some work and/or aiding in the classifying the day of the event. How did that way work for you Karl when doing that? Was it a PITA? At the very least, it was an interesting thread to watch and see what people were looking for. WIth the possibility of a ton of people trading.....it may be fun?

Regardless, I am looking forward to this one and have regreted missing the last one out there 2 years ago........

As well, any help I can offer..........let me know.

08/13/2007, 10:31 PM
Ive posted this before, but it's quite appropriate here again for those curious as to what to expect. This was taken at the last time in dixon 2005, video cuts short but long enough for you to get the idea :)

Thanks for doing this Pam, looking forward to it :)


08/13/2007, 10:44 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10544908#post10544908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by budgetyourself
If you do not have frags to bring, you can buy in for $15.00 which will go towards the purchase of frags to add to the tables.

I don't quite understand the logistics...
Do you leave with as many frags as you bring for the event? If I don't have frags to bring, do I spend $15 for each round/pick?

Thanks for clarifying.

08/13/2007, 11:10 PM
15 dollars is a flat one time fee. PLEASE only buy in if absolutely necessary. The more people who bring frags the better the event. The buy in is just for newbies who do not have 3 frags.

Pam, you are as usual a very gracious host and we appreciate it. You have amazing tanks and are a great person to boot. I can't wait to attend the swap!!

08/13/2007, 11:14 PM
$15 allows you to pick 1 coral in each picking round.

Thanks Pam! If you need any help please let me know.

08/14/2007, 12:05 AM
Roy - we could use your canopy if it is not too much trouble to bring it - thanks,

08/14/2007, 12:02 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10545400#post10545400 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shiveley
sounds pretty cool, but also sounds kind of...distant.
Why do Marine Aquarists Roundtable of Sacramento events always take place so far from Sacramento?

I try to come from Chico!!! Ironically, I made it to about as many meetings when I lived in Folsom as when I lived in Chico (result of having a new baby when in Folsom!)

Nonetheless, I'm all about trying to be as local as possible. One of the benifits of a larger metropolis - more things are 'relatively' local.

08/14/2007, 12:03 PM
Darn social life - conflicting with the frag swap - I have a wedding to attend at Noon here in Chico!!!

UGGGHH!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

Oh well - there will be more frag swaps - this I believe in.


08/14/2007, 03:48 PM

I'd be happy to bring it.

To give you an idea, it looks like this one; but, it's forest green. http://www.sportsauthority.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2418663&cp=714752&sr=1&origkw=canopy&parentPage=category

Best of luck,


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10548282#post10548282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by budgetyourself
Roy - we could use your canopy if it is not too much trouble to bring it - thanks,

Wee-Reef Master
08/14/2007, 04:30 PM
I can hardly wait! Thanks Pam!

08/14/2007, 05:26 PM
First let me say I have never been to a swap... so I have a few (maybe stupid ) questions...
-How many frags is the minimum you need to not have to buy in?
-Can all the frags I bring be the same thing?
-What is the size the frags have to be or how many polyps say for Zo's is considered a frag?

I know these are basic questions, but I don't want to embarrass myself...
And I'm really really looking forward to the event.:rollface::rollface::rollface:

A big thanks to everyone involved

08/14/2007, 05:34 PM
It is nice if people bring as many frags as they can, that way everyone ends up with more. But I would say, you should try to bring at least 3 or 4 to qualify. Again, a variety would be better, but some people just starting out may not have a large choice.

Please try to not just bring xenia or star polyps. If you are bringing zoos, at least 8 or 10 per frag if they are fairly common. If you have rare ones, 4 - 6 would be fine.

Please keep asking questions as I am sure others have similar quesions.

08/14/2007, 05:58 PM
Please bring corals that are colored as well. One of the most dissapointing things about swap are when some one tells you this brown coral is "name coral here".

I know I am not the only person who feels that way as well. I will definitely be up for a few frags in the rare category :)

I know that there are some great collector corals up in Nor Cal. This will be a great opprtunity to meet and great some great reefers.

08/14/2007, 08:48 PM
Thanks for doing this again Pam, it's always a treat to visit your place.


Please PM me if you need any help.

Some things that help make these swaps go well:

Don't use ziplock bags for your frags, they always leak. Those rigid plastic containers work really well. Don't use one you had your lunch in.

Try to take a picture of your coral when it is under the lighting that it came from. A picture on the container really helps to show what the frag will look like.

If you can identify the coral by scientific name, please do. Names like Donut coral or Marilyn Monroe Eyes make it hard to sort into groups and common names can vary by region. (I know you zoa nuts have all kinds of names to describe color variants , as long as they also have "zoanthid" we can group them.)

Please label your container with your name (RC handle is fine) so people can contact you if they have questions. It's also nice to know where your corals came from. When our frags grow out and we "pay it forward" we can track the colony growth through the club.

On your label, also include the type of lighting you had the coral under. It helps to group like kinds together.

Grouping the frags into sections makes the swap go smoother because newbs with 65w PC lighting aren't picking out an acro that needs 400w MH lights and the uber-rare dudes aren't raking through xenia and 'shrooms.

Other things cool for the swap:
cap snails, mini brittle stars, macro algae, amphipods and bristleworms.

08/16/2007, 10:01 AM
Pam, I will try my hardest to make it. Good to see you are having it at your house. If you need any help or frag donations LMK


08/16/2007, 11:19 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10553207#post10553207 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Auntbeez
First let me say I have never been to a swap... so I have a few (maybe stupid ) questions...
-How many frags is the minimum you need to not have to buy in?
-Can all the frags I bring be the same thing?
-What is the size the frags have to be or how many polyps say for Zo's is considered a frag?

I know these are basic questions, but I don't want to embarrass myself...
And I'm really really looking forward to the event.:rollface::rollface::rollface:

A big thanks to everyone involved

If you only have enough for 3 frags of the same thing, Then bring them. There may be other people who may be new and not have as much or pay in and would like it.

I have a bunch of mushrooms that are growing insanely in my tank. So i will be bringing many frags of mushrooms along with some other frags in if I can frag my LPS and some montiporas

08/16/2007, 11:58 AM
I'm in...I always look forward to a Frag Swap!

09/13/2007, 07:33 AM
Gresham mentioned something about a roster. are you guys taking a rough head count or some kind of sign up sheet? I am a member of BAR and NCR.

09/13/2007, 02:00 PM
I kinda have few dumb question and maybe I just missed it but how do we sign up and what do you consider rare?

thanks agian


09/13/2007, 02:05 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10758989#post10758989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sacfishguy
what do you consider rare?

There are nicer and more rare species of corals. These are also usually corals that have been in captivity for sometime so people know how they will react in their tanks.

09/13/2007, 02:20 PM
Collectible corals is probably a more suitable description than rare, but scarcity has a lot to do with it.

I just want to hammer out a couple more details with Pam, before I start the thread. Hopefully, today;)

09/13/2007, 02:27 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10759108#post10759108 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Unarce
Collectible corals is probably a more suitable description than rare, but scarcity has a lot to do with it.

Agreed, That would probably a better way of putting it ;)

09/13/2007, 02:36 PM
thanks, i was just wondering. i might have some duncan that i can frag but was wondering what that would be considered.

thanks agian


09/13/2007, 02:43 PM
I'm not sure if a duncan would qualify. I'd have to see the going rates for them. A year ago, for sure, but they're pretty easy to find. Same would probably go for the aussie stuff, which is super saturated right now.

09/13/2007, 02:47 PM
Maybe there will be sps buckets, lps buckets, and zoa buckets.

09/13/2007, 03:00 PM
Mods, Can we get this thread as a sticky? Thanks

09/13/2007, 04:45 PM
Someone may have already answered this but I didn't find it so here it is...

Is it possible to buy a Bonus ticket?

09/13/2007, 04:51 PM
Sorry...no Bonus tickets will be offered for purchase.

09/13/2007, 06:55 PM
would a Boozoka Joe be rare?

Think i will have to buy in since i sold most of my stuff, before i decided i was staying in:)

WHo and how do we pay?

09/13/2007, 06:58 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10761124#post10761124 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kdblove_99
would a Boozoka Joe be rare?

Yes. Bazooka Joe is a LE. I would worry that you might not be able to find equal value though.

09/13/2007, 11:26 PM
I will be coming with bells and whistles!!!!

09/15/2007, 12:54 AM
Another weird question:

I just completed a tank upgrade, and there were a few LARGE corals I didn't want to make it into the new tank. They're not "special."

Tan M. capricornus w/ blue polyps
Green M. Spongodes
Purple M. Digi
Green Palythoa

I have already fragged them up. The cap and spongodes both make at least 16 good sized frags each. Are quantities like this only going to overload the tables in a mess, or would it be OK? I'd hate for everyone to be annoyed with the WADS of tan cap, and WADS of spongodes, you know?

buttons buster
09/15/2007, 01:18 AM
Do you have to bring corals in order to get corals?

I read it, but it was a while ago, so could someone refresh my memory?

09/15/2007, 01:34 AM
No, there is a buy-in, as well. Of course, corals are encouraged. Heck.. take the $15 buy in, go buy a coral, make a couple frags and keep the rest. You now have new bloodlines (so to speak) in the community.

buttons buster
09/15/2007, 01:40 AM
So If I buy in for $15 how does the coral selecting process go?

09/15/2007, 09:11 AM
Jwedehase - The more the better - bring all you can as someone will be trilled to receive your frags.

Buttons buster - in an earlier post in this thead Karl went over some of the format for the swap. When you arrive you draw for a picking order then we go from there. See you there

09/15/2007, 12:36 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10770449#post10770449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by buttons buster
Do you have to bring corals in order to get corals?

I read it, but it was a while ago, so could someone refresh my memory?

Why wouldn't you just flip back a couple of pages on this thread and re-read?


buttons buster
09/15/2007, 01:11 PM
I did actually, but I am still confused on how the $15 buy in works.

So if you go pay $15, what does this assure you?

09/15/2007, 01:19 PM
It assures you your pick every time your letter gets called(letter gets issued to you when you sign in) Last time letters were called at least 5 or 6 times.

Basically is assures you you will be walking away with hands and arms full of coral frags :D

Not too mention a good time! ;)


buttons buster
09/15/2007, 01:35 PM
THanks Justin, that's exactly what I was looking for

09/15/2007, 02:06 PM
Also, please be sure that you're a paid member of you reef club. Club officials at the swap will have to verify your status before you can participate.


09/16/2007, 01:21 PM
Pics from last year as requested.










09/16/2007, 01:25 PM
Cool pics! :D

I think that was me, standing on the right, on the 7th pic. :D

10/05/2007, 11:40 PM
I can't seem to find it any where... how about an address to the location?

10/05/2007, 11:51 PM
so does this mean we'll have to bring our mars card or will there be a roster there?

10/05/2007, 11:57 PM
370 E. Mayes St, Dixon - we should have a roster

10/07/2007, 01:40 AM
Pam, MARS, BAR, RARE, thank you so much, from many of us at CVR. Those of us who made it today are going out of our way to rub it in the faces of all who didn't. I've never seen such a huge showing of corals! Some of our guys came home with more than a dozen frags. Myself, I only intended on picking up 2 or 3, but there were so many great zoanthids for filling in my nano!

Again, thank you for a great time and a great event. We always have so much fun when we head up your way!

10/07/2007, 11:09 AM

As always, thanks so much for hosting and putting up with all of us. It was nice to see old friends and make some new ones.

I think of all of the events I've attended at your house, this one went the smoothest. Congrats.

Your main tank is always such a pleasure to see.

Thanks again.


Mr. Ugly
10/07/2007, 11:52 AM
Pam, Karl, and gang,

Thanks for all the hard work putting together this event. I had a super time hanging out with people. Oh, and all those frags.... did someone say frags? Great fun :)

10/07/2007, 12:10 PM
Thanks Pam for being such a great host. You had a lot of family and friend helpers with the food/setup and breakdown of stuff.

It was nice to hang out and chat with folks.

10/07/2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks Pam,Karl and all the helpers for all the hard work to put on the swap .