View Full Version : regal angel in a reef?

08/13/2007, 11:08 AM
has anyone had a regal angel in thier reef,how do they do,will they eat anything in your reef,curios,nice fish for the center piece of my new tank,just not experianced in the larger angelfish for reff compatability?

08/13/2007, 04:29 PM
I've never heard of a reef compatible angel, not even the pygmies are truly reef safe. It's a big risk.

08/13/2007, 04:32 PM
Genicanthus angels are reef safe.

I'd stay away from anything but genicanthus.

08/13/2007, 06:21 PM
i'm w/ ed. i've done a TON of research on angels in reefs and Genicanthus are definitely reef safe. in particular the bellus variety are noted as being the most reef safe of all angels. im currently keeping an eye out for one myself!

08/13/2007, 11:01 PM
genicanthus are the best choice. But be careful in picking one out. They can suffer from swim bladder problems if improperly collected. They make excellent showpieces and a school of geno's is a sight to behold.

08/14/2007, 12:57 AM
I would really have to disagree with everyones statements about angels not being reefsafe. i.e. Genicanthus species.

Do a search in the ReefFishes forums, and even in the SPS forums.

Also check out John, aka COPPS and he use to be TOTM and he has 3 Regals in his sps tank as well as other angels.

There has been a ton of hardcore sps keepers keeping pygmies and other angel sp. in their sps tanks.

I have had several types of angels in mines.

08/14/2007, 02:04 AM
One my personal favorites is the Goldflake Angel... If you can find a healthy specimen, they are simply a joy to watch. I had one in a mixed reef - never bothered a soul and quickly adapted to prepared foods with a bit of sponge from time to time.

08/14/2007, 02:06 AM
any problems with them picking on clams?

08/14/2007, 02:23 AM
I had 2 clams in the same tank... a large T. Squamosa, and a T. Crocea. Never observed him so much as give it a second glance, nor did I ever see any damage to the clams.

08/14/2007, 02:55 AM
I had a blue face it left all the corals alone but picked on clams