View Full Version : Can Acrylic Be Painted?

08/09/2007, 12:25 PM
I'm curious, I have an acrylic tank that is clear on all sides. Would it be possible to paint the back? and if so, what type of paint would adhere and hold best to an acrylic surface?


Travis L. Stevens
08/09/2007, 12:28 PM
Yes, you can paint it. You can use Krylon Fusion spray paint with success. I've heard of people using Rustoleum, but I've never tried it.

08/09/2007, 12:35 PM
I got some stuff that was no drip, no runs and dried in less than 15 minutes.

And it didnt run or drip.

It was awesome

I got it from walmart, believe it was krylon.

Stuff worked magic!

08/09/2007, 01:47 PM
I'm high on krylon fusion. Make sure it says 'fusion'.

08/09/2007, 03:32 PM
I wouldnt paint it, I would just go and buy a colored thin plastic sheet to put on the back for color, in case you change your mind down the road or ever sell it. JMO

08/10/2007, 01:10 PM
You can use latex and simply peel it off when and if you decide to change colors :) I've done that on a few acrylic tanks now :D

08/10/2007, 04:49 PM
I am with Grehsam on this. I tried those covers and could never keep them in once place or uniform so that you did not notice it. Latex paint works very well - unless you really get it wet and then it will sag/bubble and pretty much look like crap.

You should see my kitchen a couple months ago when I left the RO on upstairs and the float (that I bought JUST because of this) sitting next to the RO unit not attached. Wow... that was a mess. My brand new latex paint in the kitchen looked like a jiant water balloon before it popped.