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08/08/2007, 10:51 PM
Is out of order!:(

Or out in general!

I think I am married to Scuba Dave's, other brother Dave!:rolleyes:


I thought we were just going to paint and put in a new potty and maybe a new top to the the bathroom sink, maybe even a new bathtub.....

but this is NOT what I expected!:eek1: :eek2: :eek1: :lol:

08/08/2007, 10:54 PM
I think it's more than out of order, I think it's out of the house!!!!

I would suggest you investigate, but I don't think you have anything to go on.

08/08/2007, 10:55 PM
Start calling him Scubey...:D

08/08/2007, 10:55 PM
Where did it go? Tell me it's not in your front yard with flowers in it!!!

08/08/2007, 11:04 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10512368#post10512368 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Aliie
Where did it go? Tell me it's not in your front yard with flowers in it!!!

looks like he's got every one in the neighborhood


08/08/2007, 11:10 PM
Ewe! Look how green the plants are!:eek2:

08/08/2007, 11:22 PM
2fishy, what's your address and when will you be out? I need to go rip all of that valuable copper out of your walls.

08/08/2007, 11:25 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10512538#post10512538 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarkS
2fishy, what's your address and when will you be out? I need to go rip all of that valuable copper out of your walls.

Oh crap! Don't tell me, new plumbing may be in my future!:( :lol:

Hee-hee! I had to go back and look to see where the copper was! All I see when I look at that room is that ugly pooh hole in the floor! :lol:

08/08/2007, 11:31 PM
If you do get new plumbing, make sure the plumber GIVES YOU THE SCRAP. I'd estimate that you have a few hundred, maybe even a couple of thousand, dollars worth of copper pipe in that house.

08/08/2007, 11:44 PM
Now you got me wondering how much it would be worth! We have a downstairs bathroom that is the same size and I know that that has copper pipes because Dave put a screw through one by mistake putting up drywall in the laundry room, plus there is the kitchen, and two water heaters (it was an upper/lower rental home) seperate from the bathrooms (they're under a fake cabinet in the kitchen and laundry area/former downstairs kitchen. Then I wonder if they ran copper from where the well water came in.:eek2:

08/08/2007, 11:51 PM
Copper was dirt cheap when your house was built. Now its going for a few dollars a pound. Its so valuable that people have actually died trying to steal a few dollars worth of copper from power lines. The world always needs more Darwin award nominees!

That being said, its probably not worth gutting your house for scrap. You're looking at five figures (probably high 5 figures) to replace everything. You definitely will not make that up selling scrap. However, keep it in mind in case you ever do decide to replace the plumbing and copper prices stay level or go up.

08/08/2007, 11:55 PM
That is amazing! I can't believe that people would get that desperate to do that! But then I remember when I was a teenager the neighbor guy kept bringing home catalytic (sp?) converters I think to get the money from some metal in those. They were piled every where!

08/09/2007, 07:12 AM
We have a serious problem here in Cleveland with scrappers breaking into vacant homes (yeah, it's still considered B&E even though it's vacant) and sometimes even occupied homes and ONLY stealing the copper piping....and aluminum siding.

08/09/2007, 08:51 AM
I'm pretty sure catalytic converters have a small amount of platinum in them.

08/09/2007, 10:16 AM
I own a plumbing company and we like to replace your copper.LOL

Not often you find copper drains but did one about a year ago and the owner would not take it,so being the nice guy I am I took care of it for him.

I even told him he could get money for it all he said was not worth my time.