View Full Version : Question about Tanks and Floors

08/01/2007, 03:17 PM
A friend of mine is wanting to put a 75gal. tank in his double wide home. This is a mobile home...fairly new.

Anyway, I called a LFS for him and they said that was no issue at all and you could go alot higher, but I just figured I would ask here. Surely someone knows others with experience in this. Im sure its probably fine, but he asked me and I would rather give an answer that is qualified with some other opinions/facts.

Thanks in advance.

08/01/2007, 04:03 PM
In all likelyhood a brand new double wide would hold the 75g with no problems. I'd recommend he at least get it centered properly over the floor joists but really shouldn't be a weight issue with that small of a tank.

Now that said, my GF mother has a 30g breeder we set up for her, freshwater planted tank, and it causes the floor in their mobile home to lean very badly, but the home is many years old at this point. And has been somewhat neglected over the years via rambunctious children.

08/01/2007, 04:28 PM
I would not think it would be a problem .. but I don't know squat about mobile homes. When in doubt I would try and orient the tank so the floor joist under the "double wide" run perpendicular under the tank - should give you the greatest amt of support.

08/01/2007, 05:16 PM
Mobile homes are built rather lightly, though I don't think a 75g should cause problems.

But I'm not an engineer :)

08/01/2007, 05:19 PM
I don't think it would be a problem either, but just in case it might not be a bad idea to brace it from underneath. If it's on cement it should be very easy, if it's on dirt you could poor a little cement and brace it with some blocks of wood or something, just to be sure. You might want to post something in the DIY forum just in case.

08/02/2007, 08:57 AM
i agree with ahullsb as far as putting extra bracing underneath the tank.......i have a 120 in my livingroom(in house) and its starting to make the joyce underneath sag...will have to eventually sister it.

08/02/2007, 09:07 AM
I know someone who has 2 125's in a single wide & has had no issues

08/02/2007, 09:22 AM
I had a 90G in a single wide for 4 years and I don't think I would have had any problems if the floor underneath hadn't gotten soaked a dozen or so times. When I moved, the floor had warped considerably and had to be replaced in that corner. I would put down a piece of plywood bigger than the tank underneath to spread the weight out across the floor and cover that with a plastic sheet or tarp to keep water getting trapped underneath. Spills, big and small, are inevitable in this hobby.