View Full Version : Answer to Hypoing in Main Tank

08/01/2007, 12:26 PM
I've seen alot of questions about this so I'll fill you in on my experience. I've treated ick with just about everything on the market that is considered reef safe and whatnot, from rid ick, to ick gaurd to kick ick, its all the same to me, pure crap.

Anyhow, the current methods are copper and hypo, everyone knows this and they are the only way i have had luck.

So the problem many face like myself is my QT isn't large enough for my fish. And I have a 75g QT for the record. So I was going to purchase a blue tang and new it would probably get ick or had ick already(petco). I had watched it for 3weeks and it was eating and a very healthy looking guy for 29.99, so i got all my tanks ready for the hypo in my main tank.

I knew my LS was going to have alot of death from the bristles and pods and peanut worms and everything and anything in it. So i was ready to test for a spike in ammonia as well.

So i basically removed all my LR, Corals and inverts and put them in my 75g. I brought down my SG to .009 in two days after adding the tang. All my LS died, as figured . I added an emperor 400 for the first few days with two new filter pads and lots of carbon. It picked up tons of pods and bristles. After the first week i took out the mechanical filtration and i'm still running alot of carbon. I'm in week 5 and all my fish, corals, LR, inverts are thriving. My blue tang is getting very fat and lovin it. I'll pry go 8 weeks just to really make sure all is ok. My sand will be live again after I add the LR back, shouuld take a few weeks. IMO, this was very good for my fish as it didn't stress them out a ton. I didn't have any ammonia spikes whatsoever doing this, but i would advise using a hot filter during this time to collect all bugs. My skimmer produced a bit of skimmate, about 2 cups or so a week. All in all its a good method if you are prepared.


08/01/2007, 03:34 PM
My 02

Most people would recommend that hypo only be done in a QT .. hypo is harmful to inverts including the infauna that live in the substrate and live rock.

Doing hypo in your ST is considered a last resort alternative for those who have very large tanks with major ich issues and have no reasonable alternative to setup a QT.

There are plenty of posts where people who have used hypo in their ST's (after removing live rock/inverts) and have had ammonia issues .. I suspect the more mature your tank is the greater the chance of a water quality issue.

08/01/2007, 09:15 PM
I would agree your do take a small chance with an ammonia spike.....however if you would have seen I noted ALL life in your live sand will die. The bacteria will be fine though. But i appreciate your 02. I personally think this is a very acceptable alternative.

08/02/2007, 09:53 AM
What fish do you have in the 125 that would be too big for a few weeks in a 75?

08/02/2007, 11:28 AM
Dogface puffer, rock beauty angel, b&W henoculus, valentini puffer, and most importantly blue tang. The 75g isn't long enough for 8weeks