View Full Version : firefish got a divorce

07/28/2007, 12:25 PM
Hey there, folks!
I've got a question for you regarding firefish behavior.

It seems that my pair of firefish have decided to part ways after the move. They each occupy one end of thier 150 g home. They previoisly didn't go anywhere without each other.

I would like to have a group of them, like 7 or 10. But I wqnt them to stay together, not split up in thier own apartments throughout the tank. Does anyone have a group of them? Odd or even number? Do they stay together? the books I have say that they occupy small groups in the wild. I wanted to recreate that at home. What do you folks think?


07/28/2007, 12:36 PM
Irreconsciable (sp?) differences !

07/29/2007, 10:17 AM
Hi Audrey. Which firefish do you have? Nemateleotris decora (purple), magnifica (red) or helfrichi(pink)?

My understanding and experience is that most firefish group only as juveniles and form bonded pairs after adulthood. After that there is agression between non-paired gobies. I've experienced the problem with N. decora and N. magnifica and seen it stated for N.helfrichi also.

I would speculate that you had juveniles although separation of an existing pair might lead to "promotion" ala a lone male clownfish becoming female. I've got no further insight on how the split occurred or on resuming pair bonding assuming they were paired before, sorry. I would proceed as if you now have 2 same sex adults.

It does sound as if you might have room for more than 1 territory if they're allowing each other to co-exist without agression.

Good luck to you, whatever you attempt.


07/30/2007, 05:38 PM
yeah, there's plenty of room. I may add a couple more and see what happens.
