View Full Version : Where The Heck have I been!!!!!

07/22/2007, 09:53 AM
Hello, everyone, I guess I will do this as my re-intoduction for the new folks in the club. Along with what Ive been doing.

Well As some of my follow friends here may remember, I moved back in the start of March. MY tank has been up and running since then and its been going good. Except for the last month. Ive been having major issues with Nitrates. Using a salifert kit they were off the chart. So water changed and cut back on feedings, Ive been young reefers. But I am suffering some loss. A green dot plate type it is going thru some RTN. A brain coral is/was loosing some health, it looks better now. My birds nest is not showing to well and my Superman monti has Passed. :-( Ill be doing another 5 gallon water change today, did 4g yesterday.

As you folks see I am no longer the membership person. Thanks to my job, working to 630 or 7 sometimes. Along with living by elk grove off I-5, so it would be a long drive for me at that time.

I see we have alot of new people here, Hope everyone is having fun.

MY kids are growing up, 3 and 2. My youngest is doing fine after her accident.

I dont have a camera to take pictures of the tank, need a usb cable for the camera.

Besides all that Ive been working and working and more work. Since The Iphone released I have been working Mad, plus OT. Oh the joys.

Hopefully Ill be around more often on the board. Now I am getting off at 3, maybe ill get to make it to the next meeting.

Brian Prestwood
07/22/2007, 12:36 PM
Hey Edwin

Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear you're struggling with your tank. Of course, we all are always struggling in one way or another.

Hope to see you at a meeting soon.


07/22/2007, 04:36 PM
Thanks, yeah its been hectic..... Ive had some personal issues also that has kinda kept me away.

One of my good friends that I knew since I was 10, Im 26 now. He died the day after my birthday, He was 24. He had a heart attack while he was driving in the woods. No one got to him in time because he was on a small highway and he went off the road into a wooded area. His parents were with him.

Ive had some issues with one of my neighbors that just got better. They moved out.

My youngest daughters birthday, funeral all the good stuff.

07/22/2007, 06:06 PM
Glad to hear your daughter is doing well.

Hang in there.

buttons buster
07/22/2007, 06:08 PM
What happened to your daughter?

07/22/2007, 06:45 PM
she got 2nd degree burns on most of her arm this year in feb.

07/23/2007, 12:19 AM
Sorry to hear about the loss.

But glad to hear the daughter is doing well ;)
I remember you came to the meeting like after you'd be in the hospital all night... Crazy..

07/23/2007, 09:51 AM
Yeah it was a hectic week,

What amazes me is she still remembers it. I know she has a constant reminder, because we have to keep her arm covered because the skin is all new skin. so it wont get discolored or burnt easy by the sun.

buttons buster
07/23/2007, 10:55 AM
How did she get the burns and how old is she?

07/24/2007, 01:33 AM

Good luck and keep with it. Sorry for your coral losses and glad your daughter is doing better. Take care and hope to see you in August.


07/24/2007, 12:05 PM
Wow, I hope you streak takes a 180 degree turn Edwin :( Hang in there buddy :D

24 years old... that is a true shame. I'm extremelly sorry for your loss, I know I would be really bummed if my best friend died :(