View Full Version : Diamond Coated Hole Saw

07/17/2007, 04:13 PM
Does anybody have a 3" hole saw? I am thinking of getting a Dart on a closed loop for my new 180, but then I would need a 2" bulkhead, which requires a 3" hole. The ones I found on eBay that are 3" are $50 after shipping. I found some 75mm ones for $16 shipped, but they are 1.2mm less than 3", and I would hate to have a hole 1.2mm too small to fit a 2" bulkhead.

If anyone has one that I can borrow, that would be great! If you would prefer to drill for me rather than let me borrow it than that would be fine too.

07/18/2007, 12:16 AM
what about a tilebit for a dremel??

07/18/2007, 09:25 AM
What is the mm size you need? I think I have one.

07/18/2007, 12:28 PM
If I have to resort to using a dremel I will, but I feel safer using a hole saw.

For a 3" hole I need a 76mm bit. However, I was just informed that I can get a 2" bulkhead that only requires a 2 7/8" = 73mm bit here


07/19/2007, 01:47 PM
medic - Did you have any luck, or should I order one?

07/19/2007, 01:50 PM
I have a 75mm and that works for the 2" bulkheads.

07/19/2007, 02:26 PM
Awesome :) . I'm not sure when I am going to get around to drilling the tank. Maybe this weekend, maybe next weekend, or maybe even 3 weeks from now. May I borrow you and the bit when it comes time?