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07/08/2007, 02:55 PM
What do you guy's think?


07/08/2007, 02:58 PM
Looks great!!! Very neat and clean looking. What are your stocking plans??

07/08/2007, 03:03 PM
pair of black misbar clowns
Purple tang
sixline wrasse
potters angel
6 green chromis (maybe)

mainly SPS, but i want a healthy mix of LPS and softies

07/08/2007, 03:16 PM
I love the way it looks, but some of those flat pieces look like they want to fall, they are tilted, I'd try to level them just for aesthetics.
My other thought is caves look cool, but they take up space for corals. If you stack it more stepped like you'll be able to place corals there instead of a space that really doesn't do much.
It's up to you though, it can always be changed down the road, but I know when I ran out of room, the caves we're the first to get changed. I hate my areas that are not illuminated, they are like dead space you know what I mean?

07/08/2007, 03:26 PM
Thanks Chris.

yeah I left them tilted for effect. All of the flat pieces are attached with rods, so they won't go any where. :D I was trying to get a more natural feel with hidding places, and outcropings. I decided to do the caves for the fish, and for some lower light corals. My shelves will be for SPS and clams. Plus by the time I outgrow this tank, I should be well on my way to something bigger in the basement. :D BTW I have some larger Fiji if anyone is interested. The Acrylic rod's work pretty well. I thought 1/4" would be to flimsy, but once cut they don't bend a whole lot. I used a 1/4" Masonry bit and my 19.2v Craftsman cordless, and just start punching holes.

07/08/2007, 03:31 PM
Alright I forgot about the rods, that should work.

07/08/2007, 03:33 PM
yeah I used 1 6' rod for both structures. pretty easy to cut, I just used my PVC ratchet cutting tool, and snapped them clean. I also used a few well placed zip ties as well to keep things together.

07/08/2007, 03:54 PM
I really like the aesthetics of the pillars you have build. I think it will actually give you the most coral options regarding lighting.

07/08/2007, 03:57 PM
Thanks, The right one I did first, and used all of the cherry pieces. it made the left one a little harder to do, but once I swapped 3 or 4 pieces in I was able to get it the way I wanted. Plenty of shelf space for SPS. :D

07/08/2007, 03:58 PM
i am going to be putting a 1 to 2" SB in the display, with a DSB in the fuge.

07/08/2007, 04:01 PM
Ahhh! I wanna setup my 150 now! I wanna play aquascaping too! But thats not going to happen. Are you gonna just let it cure in the 120 or are you taking it back out? I dinked around the other day piled some of the rock on the pool table. of coarse this is not the final setting cuz ill never get it back that way since all the rocks is now in the garage. I call the top center "Hiroshima"! LOL!


07/08/2007, 04:07 PM
sweet. yeah it's coming out to be cured, and then I will put it back in the tank when it's ready.

07/08/2007, 04:59 PM
Awesome aquascaping Larry. Can't till you get it up and running w/ corals.

07/09/2007, 11:43 AM
Nice. Nothing like underpasses and bridges in a reef tank.

07/09/2007, 11:44 AM