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View Full Version : Blue angels

09/18/2002, 06:19 PM

I am getting one ina few days and am wonding what all your experiences are with then. I love them. I am hopeing to have clams with them but am wondering i am getting a super small one to try and train him to brine and such.



09/19/2002, 04:02 PM
Unfortunately the only clams you can share successfully with your Blue Angel will be on the half shell with a side of butter.

A friend of mine has had a blue in his reef for over three years now.
Still a beautiful tank it is very limited to the corals he can keep. This fish devoured all of his SPS, Xenia, most of his LPS, and all of his clams.

Three problems with your brine shrimp theory:

1. Brine is a poor nutritional food, and only a small part if any to a fish with such a large varied diet.

2. Angels are grazers and unless you can provide supplemental foods 24/7 they will sample anything around their surroundings.

3. As a juvenile to adult an angel, especially of the larger genus, have developing dietary needs. A fish that won't touch a specific type of food today may crave it in the near future as they develop.

If you still wish to try this I hope you have a second tank as a stand-by for anything your new occupant begins to dine upon.

Good Luck,