View Full Version : Marco Rocks Group buy

06/21/2007, 02:54 PM
hey guys I am going to order about 140# of base rock from marco rocks. right now it looks like 100# of Fiji base, and 40# of Tonga shelf. If we do a group buy and order 200# then we can get 10% off shipping, if we can get 300# then we get 10% off shipping, and 10% off the rock total. So is anyone interested? I will set a close date of Next wednesday by noon. The way this will work is, let me know what you want, I will contact them to setup the GB, and then you will contact them to pay for your portion.

here is a link to their prices, and products.


06/21/2007, 03:44 PM
Yes! I was going to order next week. Ill go in with you. 100# of base for sure and maybe even some tonga shelf. Ill chat with you at the meet. Thanks Larry!!

06/21/2007, 03:49 PM
ok cool. I will give them a call, and let him know we have about 250# so far.

06/21/2007, 03:54 PM
Actually, Im gonna go with 125# of base and 25# of shelf so thats 150#.

06/21/2007, 03:58 PM
ok, Sweet.

06/21/2007, 04:07 PM
So do we need someone to order 10 more lbs?

06/21/2007, 04:16 PM
yeah, but I have someone looking for 15#, so I think we will hit the 300# minimum for the 10% discount. worst case I will just order another 10#. :D

06/21/2007, 04:52 PM
ok, so right now this is what we have

100# of Fiji Base ~ 2 50# boxes
40# of Tonga shelf ~ 1 15# box, and 1 25# box

125# of Fiji base ~ 2 50# boxes and a 25# box
25# of Tonga shelf ~ 1 25# box

15# of Fiji Base ~ pulled from at least a 25# box, We will order 50# and split 3 ways as of right now, with 25 going to Deuce, 15 to Jinx, and 10 to me if we need to.

5 50# boxes of Fiji
2 25# boxes of Tonga Shelf
1 15# box of Tonga Shelf

That puts us over the 300# mark, and gives us the 10% on the rock and the 10% on the shipping.

06/21/2007, 04:53 PM
LMK i need 20lbs if no one get's the 15lbs

06/21/2007, 05:14 PM
Lin, you can take the extra 10, from the 50# box, and we can order an additional 25# give you 10 to give you 20 total. I will take the extra 15 for now until someone else needs it. you want Fiji base and not tonga shelf right?

Sound good?

06/21/2007, 05:25 PM
That good if thats what you want to do

06/21/2007, 05:27 PM
yeah that's fine with me.

Did you want the fiji base or the tonga shelf?

06/21/2007, 05:30 PM
it dont matter to me its going in my 50 hex

06/21/2007, 05:44 PM
ok. Fiji it is. :D

06/21/2007, 06:09 PM
So, is all the rock gonna be shipped at your place and we will just pick it up over there? That would be cool, I dont think i live too far from you and I can check out the 120 in progress!

06/21/2007, 06:19 PM
yeah, it will be shipped ti my house, ad you can pick it up. we only live 10 min from each other. I have a digital scale so we can pick out 20# for lin, and 15# for jinx from a 50# box.

06/21/2007, 09:26 PM
Wow, it looks like that everything is moving along smoothly!
I'll be looking for the PM from you, Larry, regarding costs :rollface:

06/21/2007, 10:41 PM
I'm pretty set on rock but I'm curious is this rock dead? shipped dry? it all looks white so thats what i'm assuming?

06/21/2007, 10:52 PM
Chris, it's all dry base rock. I plan on making my structures outside the tank and placing them in once ready. The tonga shelf pieces will go on top and I plan on drilling holes for frag plugs.

here is a pic of the shelf

06/22/2007, 06:14 AM
Yah, its all dead dry rock. I have no problem with it. Thats how I started the current 90. 100# of dead dry base rock (not Marco though) and about 20# of seeded live. The advantages of this is no hitchhikers and since its dry, its about 1 1/2 time lighter. So a 100#s of dry fiji will be equivalent to 150# (or more) of live fiji.

06/22/2007, 08:07 AM
Very nice............I'm sure it will look like the live stuff within a couple months in a healthy system.
Larry are you planning to add any live rock to your system?

06/22/2007, 08:19 AM
I am going to add about 30 to 40# to the sump and on top of the base rock to seed it at first. then I will pull the rock from on top once its been cycled, and up for a few months. I plan on leaving the LR in the sump but possibly thinning it out. my main reason for going with dry rock is to build my structures, drill holes for acrylic rods to put them together, and kinda get it set exactly the way I want it, even if it takes me several days to set it up.

06/22/2007, 09:30 AM
So what is the cost per pound with the 10% discount on cost & shipping?

06/22/2007, 09:40 AM
Its around $2.56 a lb. But also remember that a lb of dry rock is the same as a 1 1/2 of wet live rock. So if you wanna compare wet dead rock to wet live rock, the dry rock come to about $1.70 a lb with the discount on rock and shipping.

06/22/2007, 09:40 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10189938#post10189938 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LarryW
Chris, it's all dry base rock. I plan on making my structures outside the tank and placing them in once ready. The tonga shelf pieces will go on top and I plan on drilling holes for frag plugs.

here is a pic of the shelf

Any guesses on how much this piece weighs?

06/22/2007, 09:42 AM
Put me down for a 25# box of Fiji Base.

06/22/2007, 09:49 AM
tim that pic was of tonga shelf, and not the fiji. did you want the shelf? it is more expensive per pound.

06/22/2007, 10:04 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10191917#post10191917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LarryW
tim that pic was of tonga shelf, and not the fiji. did you want the shelf? it is more expensive per pound.

Don't want the shelf just the Fiji. I was trying to get a feel for how much a piece that big weighs to try and develope a feel for the size\weight ratio.

The pic on their site for the 25# box and the 50# box are the same picture. I'm assuming it's the 50# box in the pic.

06/22/2007, 10:19 AM
Here is a good thread (http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1035855&perpage=25&highlight=marco rock&pagenumber=1) to give you an idea how much rock there actually is.

06/22/2007, 10:56 AM
yeah 50# is closer to 100# wet, I will probably have left over, but hey, that means I need another tank! :D

06/22/2007, 10:58 AM
this was 50#


06/22/2007, 11:01 AM
this is kinda what I am planning with 2 islands, built up. i want to use shelf though th shoot out and create overhangs, and shelf on to for SPS frags. I also plan on having the two Islands connected in places with shelf depending on how it looks.

06/22/2007, 01:20 PM
I take it that this is about two 25# stacks? I'd say it looks like it should weigh more for the size thry are. Looks like it's going to be a great deal.


06/22/2007, 02:50 PM
i think so. i think I am going to take 75# of fiji instead of 100# and give you the 25# from one of the 2 50 # boxes.

06/22/2007, 05:08 PM
Ok Here is an update. I have a call into Marco Rocks for price breakouts. This will still be open until Wednesday @ noon.

75# of Fiji Base ~ 2 50# boxes ~ 25# going to Tim
40# of Tonga shelf ~ 1 15# box, and 1 25# box

25# of Fiji Base ~ from one of my 50# boxes.
125# of Fiji base ~ 2 50# boxes and a 25# box
25# of Tonga shelf ~ 1 25# box

15# of Fiji Base
20# Fiji Base

1 50# box for them with 15# left over, which I will cover for now until we get a taker.

5 50# boxes of Fiji
2 25# boxes of Tonga Shelf
1 15# box of Tonga Shelf

06/23/2007, 12:59 AM
This is exactly what I did with my 55 and 120 build. The rock drills easily and its light weight. I'm sitting right about 6 months in and have some pretty good coralline growing.
I知 a newbee so everyone else should get the rock going a little faster.

Some of the pieces can be large; Marco is really accommodating so if anyone is looking for special pieces he will provide it. I bought two 50's and had plenty of choice. I also bought some rubble for the Ref/ Sump. I may do a 50....let you know by week close out.

06/23/2007, 11:01 AM
Hey Larry order me a 10 pound box of Marco Rock rubble I forgot I was doing a refugium also and think this would be a good addition to it.

06/23/2007, 11:31 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10199260#post10199260 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Huhhhhh
Hey Larry order me a 10 pound box of Marco Rock rubble I forgot I was doing a refugium also and think this would be a good addition to it.

ok I will add it to the order.

06/25/2007, 01:28 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10197840#post10197840 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rocmtnreef
This is exactly what I did with my 55 and 120 build. The rock drills easily and its light weight. I'm sitting right about 6 months in and have some pretty good coralline growing.
I知 a newbee so everyone else should get the rock going a little faster.

Some of the pieces can be large; Marco is really accommodating so if anyone is looking for special pieces he will provide it. I bought two 50's and had plenty of choice. I also bought some rubble for the Ref/ Sump. I may do a 50....let you know by week close out.

Let me know if your still interested... :D I want to have the order done by Wednesday.

06/25/2007, 01:35 PM
So, do I have to wait for you on how to order this. Do I put SCMAS group order or Larry group order or do I have to call?

06/25/2007, 01:42 PM
Well I sent an email to Marc, I listed it as SCMAS Group order, but I haven't heard back, so I don't know if it's setup yet. I was planning on following up today with a phone call. I asked him for price break downs with shipping, so we know what the total will be for each of us. I also asked him to bag up the smaller orders, 10#, and 20# and label them so we don't have to weigh them out when it comes in. I will let you know what he says when I talk to him this afternoon. You should be able to call him tomorrow and pay for your order, but I will confirm that today, and send you a pm with your total.

06/25/2007, 01:53 PM
Cool! Thanks for the info!

06/25/2007, 05:11 PM
here's an update. Just got this email from Marc. I should have individual total's later today or tomorrow. once we get those, I will PM you with that info, and the phone # to call to place your order.

"Hi Larry

Thanks for the update.

For the rock prices I値l just take the posted price x .9. For the amounts not listed on the site we値l go with the /Lb price based on a 50# box which would be $2.25. Fiji and $3.15 Tonga.

Shipping I again used a 50# box (best rate) and took 10% off for a multiplier of $.60/ Lb

I値l run through each order later and price them out individually.

If they want to use pay pal the addy/ user name is info@marcorocks.com

Or a credit card would need to be on the phone @ ######## (I will give you the # in a PM)

Thanks again


06/25/2007, 11:25 PM
ok, I have the totals. I will be sending PM's with the total, how to pay, and my contact info.

Thanks guys!

06/25/2007, 11:38 PM
ok, PM's have been sent. Please contact Marc to pay for your orders. I have sent you my address and phone #, and I will let you know when the rock ships, and is scheduled to arrive. It's still open until Wednesday, so if anyone else is interested let me know! :D

06/26/2007, 06:11 PM
I just got off the phone with Marc at Marco Rock. My order has been placed. Shipping will be in Thursday and expect 5 business days to get to Larry's house. I ask on how heave a 12X12 tonga shelf would weigh, he said around 8 lbs. But he did say that the Tonga shelh is heavier than the Fiji base.

06/26/2007, 06:15 PM
Sweet, I spoke with him earlier as well, and paid for my order. He is going to bag the smaller ones, and label the boxes with our names so we can sort through them easier. I know he was going to call tim once he got of the phone with me this afternoon. I think I might go get a stock tank from Farmer Jim's feed store here in falcon, and throw my built rock structures in there with some LR to setup and cure... Any thoughts on that guys? I think it would work pretty well.

06/26/2007, 06:17 PM
here's a pic of what they sell. it's made by tuff tubs. the 180gal was only $140 or so.


06/26/2007, 06:21 PM
So you have to soak the new rock? I would think it could just be added to the tank right away? I always did when I bought the Utah lace rock, but then again I didn't really know what I was doing.

06/26/2007, 06:23 PM
Im gonna cure mine too for a couple of months in the garage. I will prolly use just a 90G tub though. Just gotta slap a skimmer, heater and some flow. Ill be using my water changes in my current tank and use it to do water changes in the rock tub. I may even hit up someone with some macro with tons of pods to seed the rock. From what I have read, the smell of the curing process is pretty rancid. Reason why Im gonna do it in the garage! LOL!

06/26/2007, 06:26 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10220727#post10220727 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefkoi
So you have to soak the new rock? I would think it could just be added to the tank right away? I always did when I bought the Utah lace rock, but then again I didn't really know what I was doing.

Yup. It still has to be cured. There will be some dead sponges and some dead whatever was living in those rocks that needs to go.

06/26/2007, 07:35 PM
OK I see since it was previously live.
You'd think they could bake all the life out of it but I guess they must just rinse it off somehow huh?
Do you know what the process they use is?

06/26/2007, 09:55 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10220762#post10220762 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Deuce67
Yup. It still has to be cured. There will be some dead sponges and some dead whatever was living in those rocks that needs to go. Oh I didn't know that. I thought it was clean already. So what's the proper process to do that?

06/26/2007, 10:20 PM
Here is a Marco rock FAQ (http://marcorocks.com/faq.asp)

06/26/2007, 11:28 PM
Hey Russ, I asked marc about the Acrylic Rods, and he didn't have any. I called Plastic Depot, and they have some sizes in stock, but can also order what we need. I was thinking 3/4" what do you think? they come in 6" sections I think.

06/27/2007, 11:00 AM
I used the driveway/ snow markers available at Home Depot. They are a florescent color but you can't see them because they are inside the rock.
Probably clear acrylic would expensive.

06/27/2007, 11:28 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10225204#post10225204 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rocmtnreef
I used the driveway/ snow markers available at Home Depot. They are a florescent color but you can't see them because they are inside the rock.
Probably clear acrylic would expensive.

I will check those out. Marc mentioned them to me over the phone as well.

06/27/2007, 02:15 PM
Lin/Jenn, Please contact Marc to pay for your orders. They plan on boxing everything up tonight and shipping it out tomorrow.



06/27/2007, 02:33 PM
Heh, thats funny.
I just sent you an PM about 5 - 10 minutes telling you that I've placed the order with Marc :)

You're welcome and thank you for handling this Larry.

06/27/2007, 02:35 PM
sweet, thanks.

06/27/2007, 06:46 PM
Larry YGPM

06/27/2007, 09:16 PM
ok this group buy is closed. everyone has paid, and the rock will be shipped tomorrow. I will let you guys know when the delivery is scheduled, I am guessing next tuesday or wednesday.

thanks again guys.

06/28/2007, 05:49 PM
14 boxes of rock has shipped. delivery is scheduled for 7/5.

06/28/2007, 06:20 PM
Nice! Thanks Larry for organizing this group order. looks like I got a project next weekend. LOL!

06/28/2007, 07:19 PM
Wow how many lbs did that come to?

06/28/2007, 09:05 PM
Thanks Larry

06/28/2007, 11:26 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10235786#post10235786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rocmtnreef
Wow how many lbs did that come to?

370# in 13 boxes actually. the other ups# allows me to see all 13 boxes in 1.

06/28/2007, 11:31 PM
here are 3 pics marc sent me of the tonga shelf. 2 of the pics are of a 15# piece with a pedestial, the other is a 6# piece. I took 4 of the 6# pieces, and smaller pieces 5 to 8" to finish off the 50#
