View Full Version : ***Ginger Root ?**** As a treatment for Ich ?

06/20/2007, 04:59 PM


HELP !!!

06/20/2007, 06:02 PM
No clue about the ginger, bu tI would guess that it won't do much.

Can you build a fish trap to catch and isolate the fish for treatment?

Something like this, except with maybe a bigger entrance


06/20/2007, 06:49 PM
Have you tried a Cleaner Shrimp?

06/20/2007, 07:56 PM
There are a lot of anecdotes about garlic treatment in the forums, but I personally have not seen anything too convincing. I would refer you to the following article for more detailed information.

Garlic versus Marine Ich:
Diallyl thiosulfinate activity against Cryptocaryon irritans infestations of marine fish.
By Horge Cortes-Jorge Jr.

I am gonna have to agree with webbstock...that the only surebet for treating them (if it is in fact ich) is to remove and isolate the fish for treatment.

06/20/2007, 10:48 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10181496#post10181496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Vitaly
There are a lot of anecdotes about garlic treatment in the forums, but I personally have not seen anything too convincing. I would refer you to the following article for more detailed information.

Garlic versus Marine Ich:
Diallyl thiosulfinate activity against Cryptocaryon irritans infestations of marine fish.
By Horge Cortes-Jorge Jr.

I am gonna have to agree with webbstock...that the only surebet for treating them (if it is in fact ich) is to remove and isolate the fish for treatment.

Ginger Root makes for a wonderful Dark-n-Stormy. 2/3 Ginger beer and 1/3 dark rum. Add a back porch and a summer evening. Mmmmmm

Garlic is best on pasta, but I also prefer it on my pizza.

As for your fish, it's nice to cure ich, but you can't cure it until you resolve what caused it. Eliminate wht caused it, and the fish will cure themselves. So.... what has changed in your aquarium recently?

06/20/2007, 11:00 PM
I have personally noted that garlic is an effective preventitve and does help with otherwise healthy fish

06/20/2007, 11:15 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10182779#post10182779 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by soim34
Ginger Root makes for a wonderful Dark-n-Stormy. 2/3 Ginger beer and 1/3 dark rum. Add a back porch and a summer evening. Mmmmmm

Garlic is best on pasta, but I also prefer it on my pizza.

As for your fish, it's nice to cure ich, but you can't cure it until you resolve what caused it. Eliminate wht caused it, and the fish will cure themselves. So.... what has changed in your aquarium recently?

Hate to say it but if it is not a new fish- its temp related in all likelyhood! I agree though, although I would do a freshwater dip to help the fish out.

06/20/2007, 11:47 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10182956#post10182956 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by syrinx
Hate to say it but if it is not a new fish- its temp related in all likelyhood! I agree though, although I would do a freshwater dip to help the fish out.

Ohhh, we just mixed signals there. Although it could be temp related, it could be any stressor of mention. Stray electricity, low or high SG or pH, etc. And boy, do I ever hate FW dips.

Reregardless, if RoboCop doesn't correct the cause, he can do FW dips until the cows come home and they aren't going to help.

06/21/2007, 02:45 AM
In the couple instances where I have had ich a cleaner shrimp has done the job for me. A cleaner wrasse also does well. I bought a tang once that was covered in the stuff, but two days in my tank with a cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasse and it was completely clean and the ich never came back. They say that the small ORA gobies work well too


06/21/2007, 03:04 PM
While cleaners help they are not a cure. Bottled garlic does nothing and is a waste of money. The garlic has to be fresh, a few hours old at the most.

Michelle L
06/21/2007, 03:37 PM
I've never tried ginger as an ich cure...never even heard of it, as a matter of fact.

Did you add anything that could have introduced ich to your system?

06/21/2007, 10:52 PM
So what caused it???? any idea at all? The only reason i use freshwater dips is to help the fish out if it is really hurtin`, and obviously you have to correct the cause of the outbreak. I am real touchy about medications and using them without correcting the tank is like putting burn ointment on a person without taking them out of the fire. But fess up if it was tank conditions, lack of QT or a fish from the swaps.........

06/22/2007, 07:23 AM
Your best bet is to pull all the fish and treat with copper if things get worse.

06/22/2007, 08:21 AM
Okay....it's a 135 with butt loads of LR.....I think what happened was this....I had an Indonesian Algae Eater that folded up and died (NO CLUE WHY? It was eating just fine !) anyway...I was not home to pull it from the tank so it decomped in there before I could get all of it out ! -------------> Ammonia spike !!!

So tomorrow morning....a water change....water test and hopefully all goes well !

C&T Ebert
06/22/2007, 09:20 AM
Using ginger root may help as a preventive measure. The same goes for cleaner shrimp. The method I prefer is hyposalinity in a hospital tank. Here is an excellant link/article from Reefkeeping magazine http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.php. With your water parameters getting out of order, you might consider a product called Bio-Spira. It is a little pricey but works well.