View Full Version : open brain almost nipped to death

06/18/2007, 07:24 PM
i just caught my eibli angel for nipping (almost flat out eating) a small open brain. i would say the brain is about half way done-in. now that the devil is caught, has anyone out here had any good recovery stories for the brain that may lift my spirits some?

06/19/2007, 02:11 PM
How long have you had that brain? if it was doing good before it should recover, try feeding it at night if you see the feeders. I have a sailfin tang that did the same, I used a 1/2 coke bottle to protect it from it and I end up selling the brain when it recovered.

06/19/2007, 06:04 PM
the brain was relatively new but was very healthy. now that the angel is gone, it looks like the center area of the brain has taken the worst hit and the "outer rim" has taken some dammage, but not too bad. my plan is to leave it unless i see infection