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View Full Version : Additives and Buffers (12G)...

06/18/2007, 03:38 PM
So My 5-6 week old 12G nano seems to be doing pretty good, I have a purigen pack in the first back chamber. My parameters are pretty stable, but the owners of my LFS keep telling me I should dose my tank with buffers and additives. I have read that buffer will keep the pH more stable but could cause an increase in other unwanted paremeters like ammonia or ammonium I think. I was wondering what to do and if I should add a buffer what brand would be good? Also, if there are any other additives I should add I would really like to know. I am not very educated yet in the chemistry part of this hobby and how reactants work.
-Simon :cool:

06/18/2007, 04:07 PM
When I had softies and LPS I never dosed anything. Regular (weekly) water changes replace most of that if you have a good salt (Tropic Marin or Reef Crystals, IMO)

Since I've been keeping SPS I've dosed with Kent Nano part A & B. It's a calcium and Alkalinity buffer.

What corals do you have/are you planning for in the future?

06/18/2007, 04:13 PM
Right now I just have:
2 blue/purple mushroom polyps
1 scarlet hermit crab
1 baby striped reef hermit crab
3 Nassarius snails

I plan on adding some:
Ricordia/more mushrooms
some type of leather
Cleaner shrimp
2 False Percs

I will only be keeping basic corals...this is my first tank and I know my limits...

06/18/2007, 06:23 PM
the easiest and by far CHEAPEST system of dosing is on this site WWW.TwoPartSolution.Com
i used to by the little bottlest of stuff for 12 bucks a month but this is way cheaper