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View Full Version : Give me the skinny on air pumps!

06/18/2007, 12:38 AM
Okay, I have a plan... but I dont need the output of something as large as an alita 40 even. A 30 is even too much. I cant find specs for the 20 on alita's website. FWIW, Alitas arent cheap either. But I could get one, and bleed off the extra I suppose. Are they really that much more quiet?

Just wondering if anyone has had experiences with other pumps in this size range. Quiet is good, but I can also keep the pump in the basement and run the air hose upstairs. One pump I am considering is the Coralife Super Luft SL-65 and SL-38. Much cheaper than an alita, but are they any good? Any other pumps that I should consider?



How about this?

06/18/2007, 12:42 AM
Don't know if they are large enough, but I have had good luck with Dolphin air pumps over the years.

06/18/2007, 12:49 AM
I forgot to add GAST linear pumps to the list.
Im going for something in the 2000lph range (33l/m) at about 4' depth.

Suppose there are some opinions on the SL-65 from here:

But the smaller one might be all I need... SL-38 does 38l/m... that should be right on the money for an 8" diameter, 5' tall skimmer (force fed needlewheel).

06/19/2007, 08:47 PM