View Full Version : Pagoda Cup needs help

06/11/2007, 08:22 PM
My pagoda cup as of the last week has not looked its best. I have had it for about 3 yrs already and have never seen it like this. It seems as the right half side of it is getting eaten up or stung by something as the polyps are closed or deteriorated. The left side along with the top and bottom parts seem to not be affected. I have not done anything recently except add a pH buffer about 2 weeks ago. I have also done 2 10% changes the past 2 weeks.

Current params are:

calcium 480
Alk: 7 dkh
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Trates 0
temp 80
Salinity 1.025

Only tank inhabitants are tomato clown and peppermint shrimp besides the hermits and snails. The shrimp is a fairly recent addition.



06/11/2007, 09:30 PM
from the pics it looks progressively closed up the further right you go in the pics, best guess is a flow issue IMO, it's to strong from the right side, the left is content and fully expanded.


06/12/2007, 11:51 AM
My best guess would be that it was stung from another coral, flow is too much from the right side, or the right side polyps are touching the rock and irritating it. My pagoda prefered to be propped up from the base, and did not appreciate any contact with the side rim or top. I keep medium flow and medium light, and feed weekly. Good Luck.

06/12/2007, 12:03 PM
I agree when my pagoda touches the rock it irritates it--not so much the underneath but the sides are really sensitive. the hermits could be tracking over it at night.

keep an eye on that alkalinity level---other guys on this site have reported problems when it get very low 7 or under.

06/12/2007, 03:59 PM
thanks for the suggestions. i now remember that i did move its position a few weeks ago several inches over into a different nook. I will try moving it back and reposition a little better and see how it reacts. As far as the alkalinity, I have been having issues lately. I started dosing again which I have not done in the past 1-2 yrs to get it back up.

06/13/2007, 11:19 AM
I have mine under high flow and it draws the tentacles out, I have seen mine do that a long time ago when my alk was getting low or fluctuating. Mine comes out to the point that you cannot see the tissue between the polyps. It's about 10inches around and is the shape of a deep bowl......Good luck with it hope it turns around for you.....

06/13/2007, 12:08 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10129144#post10129144 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltym3
thanks for the suggestions. i now remember that i did move its position a few weeks ago several inches over into a different nook. I will try moving it back and reposition a little better and see how it reacts. As far as the alkalinity, I have been having issues lately. I started dosing again which I have not done in the past 1-2 yrs to get it back up.

how did you move it or hold it---pagodas need to be held from underneath--not from around the edges

06/13/2007, 01:20 PM
Mine started doing the same thing whith nothing around it to irratate it. A redish/black slime slowly formed thicker & thicker over the affected areas. Bacterial infection is the closest diagnosis I clould come up with & gave it a freshwater dip which caused a lot of brownish/yellow sloughing from the coral. Poor thing looked like hell for a couple of days but then slowly started coming back. Still keeping my fingers crossed but everyday it is looking better.

06/13/2007, 04:11 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10134460#post10134460 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
how did you move it or hold it---pagodas need to be held from underneath--not from around the edges

the way that it was sitting i have to grab a portion of the edge to get to the bottom to get a grip on it. I moved it back to its old position but in a little bit of a better location to where it will be facing upwards more and not touching any surrounding areas. I will monitor it and hopefully will get the rest of the polyps to open up again.

06/14/2007, 11:48 AM
If you stressed it out then you should be mucous being released---make sure you don't let that get on the surrounding corals.

I'll take a pic tonight of mine--twice it fell off and landed on the one side---that where the coral has died.

06/14/2007, 03:27 PM
Here is a video of mine to show the flow that it is under, it is about 10'' across.


06/14/2007, 09:01 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10142833#post10142833 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Azurel
Here is a video of mine to show the flow that it is under, it is about 10'' across.


wow thats nice... i wonder if i do not have enough flow on mine. I have it kind of low in the tank.

06/15/2007, 11:06 AM
wow I am not getting near the extension of the polyps as you are---I'll try to increase the flow over it.
Thanks for the video