View Full Version : Acan Lord Question?

06/08/2007, 11:33 AM
Hey all you Acan Lord collectors. Is a $100 for a red(pink)/Green frag with about 10 - 11 polyps on it a good deal?

Just curious because I am thinking of picking one up from a LFS in my area. They say they just can't go any lower than than.


06/08/2007, 12:19 PM
It's a good deal if you like it. If you're looking to turn it into an investment, it may/maynot be a good deal. Red/Green are some of the more common variants in the indo species, if it is indo. If it's an aussie version typically they'll have quite a bit more vibrant coloration (still unsure why of this).

So to recap Indo - then it may be a fair price depending upon how colorful it really looks (don't forget the 20000k bulbs that most LFS keep corals under may differ from yours significantly). I wouldn't say it's a steal by any means, at least by my local standards (which probably are a bit higher than N.C. standards.. no offense :)).

If it's Aussie - It's a steal, snatch it up. However Australia still does have brown corals too, just because it's "Aussie" doesn't mean it's gold :)

But regardless of where it comes from you'll be the one living with it and paying for it, so you have to decide if it's worth the money, I wouldn't say you'll be getting ripped off however. Other than that I can't tell you if I'd pull the trigger without seeing it.

06/08/2007, 12:32 PM
Thanks sfsuphysics. I have 10k XM's with T5 ATI Blue + Sups so I think it should look pretty nice. Actually I think it will look better in my tank than theirs.:) I have a lot of LPS in my tank and I was curious how well acan lords do? Are they considered a difficult coral to keep? I have lobo, blasto, frogs spawn, hammer, chalice, fox coral, and others.

Also no offense taken about the pricing thing. Everyone know Cali economy is ridiculous.;)

Thanks again and once I get it I will post a pick of it.:D

06/08/2007, 02:57 PM
It it's pink/green then 10 poylp for $100 is a steal.

06/08/2007, 03:56 PM
It looked to be pink/green to me and not red. I will get a better look at it in about 40 minutes or so.


06/08/2007, 06:58 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10104867#post10104867 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by J4Life
It looked to be pink/green to me and not red. I will get a better look at it in about 40 minutes or so.


Ok I picked up the acan today. At least I believe it is an Acan Lord some of you experts can tell me other wise. Here is a picture of it. It is really not the best but I was in a hurry. The red looks more pinkish/florescent than in the picture.

It also has closer to 15 polyps on it. The total frag is about 3 inches around. Let me know what you think. If I got taken I can handle it I am a man.:)



06/08/2007, 07:00 PM
Not bad looks like Aussie pattern to me. 15 poylps is a good deal for $100

06/08/2007, 07:04 PM
That is cool! Thanks Hypertek99.:D maybe some others will chime in as well. I also posted it again under a different thread title to get more interests.

06/08/2007, 07:08 PM
It's a nice colorful healthy colony. I think you got your money's worth.

06/08/2007, 08:45 PM
What's in the background? It's making those lords look dinky..

And lords are not hard to keep, keep an eye out for them at night when feeder tentacles come out then squirt some mysis in each polyp and your 15 polyps will become 30 within no time.

al abaqueta
06/08/2007, 08:57 PM
You have a very nice Acan colony, with nice contrast in the colors. Looks as if you made a sound investment. Enjoy your coral. Al

06/08/2007, 09:05 PM
Thanks everyone for you comments. I am really glad I got it. The only thing I had a problem with is where to put it.;)

sfsuphysics that is a red lobo brain behind it that I just about completely lost when my tank went through a bleaching epidemic. It has begun to recover nicely and it has gotten back to about 2/3's its original size.
