View Full Version : fragged green bubble

06/07/2007, 01:12 PM
I just wanted to show pics to the nay sayers out there that it can't be done. Didn't get pics of the actual fragging but did get pics of the finished products.
Mother colony post fragging w/ more substrate glued to it to prevent infection and provide a niw growth medium for it.
Heathy frag mounted to a frag plug almost 1 week old/fragged.
On a side note, I cover all super glue with sand immediately following frag placement. Doing this I get the best and fastest recovery than glue alone.

Gary Majchrzak
06/08/2007, 11:57 PM
you didn't describe your fragging technique but there are several easier ways to propagate Plerogyra that don't involve frag plugs. Here's a related thread: