View Full Version : Pics of my brains

06/02/2007, 08:24 PM
I don't have anything near the beautiful brains I've seen on this forum, but I thought I would share what I do have.

This one is the size of a child's basketball when fully expanded.

My slow grower, maybe 5" from end to end.

My newest addition. No idea what it is but the color is great. Probably about 3" in diameter when fully extended.


06/02/2007, 08:25 PM
Doh, forgot the link to the third.



06/02/2007, 10:28 PM
very nice, love the first one

06/03/2007, 02:11 PM
Those are beautiful.....

Engine 7
06/03/2007, 02:15 PM
Very nice pics :) How is growth? they look very healthy.

06/03/2007, 04:11 PM
Thank you.

The big green used to grow pretty fast, but I stopped feeding it. The red grows pretty slow. I used to feed it pretty often, but haven't recently. Can't say for sure regarding the third one. I've only had it for a few weeks.

Someone posted a while back asking about "indicator corals" that tell you that the tank isn't happy. For me it is the large green brain. Since it is so large, I can pretty much tell the status of my tank by how much it is expanding. The brains tend to be my favorite corals so the tank conditions center around them.
