View Full Version : sick suncoral?

05/25/2007, 05:21 PM
I just got a orange suncoral with about 20 heads. The bottom half of their tubes are white. Is this coral dieing? It has been eating like a pig. Thanks for any advice :)

Bri Guy
05/25/2007, 06:28 PM
Just trouble shooting...

Are parameters in line? (alk, ca, etc.)

Seeing sun coral need no light, are yours getting sunburned, too much light?

What are you feeding it? is it enriched enough, they rely on our feedings!

Good luck!

05/25/2007, 09:17 PM
Sounds like typical tissue recession of a malnurished suncoral. Like Bri Guy said they need to be fed, and fairly often. I feed mine every night, if I skip a night or two their feeding response isnt as strong. Saving a starving suncoral can take some patience and perhaps weeks before you get decent polyp feeding extension. They are naturally open at night for feeding, but they can be trained to open during the day, you need to stick to a regular feeding routine.